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我肃穆地捧起我那沉重的心。I lift my heavy heart up solemnly.

“他比耶酥基督更伟大,”他庄重地说。“Greater’n② Jesus Christ,” he said solemnly.

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会议于昨天隆重开幕。The conference was solemnly opened yesterday.

全市人民在广场上隆重集会。The whole city solemnly assembled on the square.

我们在分手之前互道珍重。We chin-chinned one another solemnly before we parted.

这张是红格尔仁波切严肃而庄严的观察火藏仪式。Here is Hung Kar Rinpoche, solemnly observing the ceremony.

一开口,她严肃地说,“汤姆,你很有野心,也很有创造力。"Tom, you're ambitious and creative," she'd begun, solemnly.

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“做这种天使很苦!”汤米严肃地下了结论。"It a hard life to be such an angel. " Tomy defined solemnly.

“我告诉你,”他一本正经地说,他最爱自夸的话是什么吧。I will tell you, he said solemnly , what is his proudest boast.

他郑重地声称,这项事业是为了帮助人们。He explains solemnly that the business is all about helping people.

比利的小弟弟,张宇人,观看了隆重,由前门。Billy's little brother, Tommy, watched solemnly from the front door.

双扇门又被庄严地打开,亨利·范德卢顿先生从中间走了进来。The double doors had solemnly reopened and between them appeared Mr.

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卡丁郑重地通知母亲,他心里爱的人只要卢伊萨。KaDing solemnly to inform mother, his heart love as long as Lou issa.

丞相信誓旦旦说自己没有篡夺汉室之意。Though you have solemnly vowed yourself loyal to His Majesty's Court.

我庄重地宣誓要把我的一生献给人道主义事业。I solemnly pledge myself to devote my life to the service of humanity.

阅兵队列沿宾夕法尼亚大道缓慢而庄严地行进。A military parade marched slowly and solemnly down Pennsylvania Avenue.

嘉莉非常庄重地四周看看,然后走到窗子边去。Carrie looked around her very solemnly and then went over to the window.

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Michael一本正经地回答说在A区还是有几个正直的人的。Michael solemnly replies that there are a few decent men down in A-Wing.

两个人打破寂静的脚步声,回响在这长长的石廊上。Their commingled footfalls resounded solemnly down the long stone hallway.

在宣誓的情况下,以「谨此宣誓」代替「谨以至诚郑重声明」。In case of an oath substitute "swear" for "solemnly and sincerely declare".