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海顿主题变奏曲,“圣·安东尼圣咏”Variations on a Theme by Haydn, "St Antoni Chorale""

科罗拉多童声合唱团是世界最著名的三大合唱团之一。Colorado Children's Chorale is one of the three best children's chorales.

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正式的着装,诙谐的动作,是该合唱团的出场秀。With the formal suits but humorous gestures, the Chorale made their first appearance.

宗教改革运动中马丁·路德创造众赞歌这种音乐体裁。This give occasion to happen Religion Crusade in Germany and Martin Luther invented chorale.

于是合唱团赶紧准备上场,过世老人的儿子听见了他们的歌声。The chorale hurriedly got ready and sang, and as they did, the son of the man who had died heard them.

巴赫将十二至十八世纪最重要的创造——众赞歌引入他的康塔塔和受难乐中。The grandest creations of the chorale from the twelfth to the eighteen century adorn his cantatas and Passions.

是由一群高中生组成,这星期四他们来到一家老人院,准备举行一埸演唱会。The Dayspring Chorale , a traveling high school singing group, arrived at a nursing home for a Thursday concert.

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首都观众第一次领略到著名的英国伊顿公学男童合唱团的艺术魅力。It is the first time for the audience in Beijing to enjoy this charming chorale offered by the famous Eton College Chapel Choir.

他事实上是个每种对位手段的可能性和每种和声与赞美诗创作部署可行性方法的“目录”。He was a virtual catalogue of every contrapuntal device possible and every acceptable means of creating webs of harmony with the chorale.

如果说他们所有的努力都没有白费的话,就是出现了一个更伟大的人将众赞歌变成了音诗。If all their struggles towards the ideal were not to be in vain, a greater man had to come, who should makes his chorale fantasias musical poems.

当酒吧里到处是对呜呜祖啦的赞美之声时,一位小镇医生坦白的告诉一位加拿大记者,他感到了无穷的希望。As a vuvuzela chorale swelled from the barstools around him, one township doctor admitted to a Canadian writer he was experiencing a surge of “hope.

富有国际盛名的指挥家拉尔夫?霍伍德先生以他精湛的技艺使合唱达到了几乎完美的境界。Mr. Ralph Allwood, an internationally famous conductor, is using his masterful skills in conducting the boys, who are singing an almost perfect chorale.

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科罗拉多青少年音乐艺术团是和维也纳童声合唱团、英国伊顿公学童声合唱团齐名的世界三大童声合唱团之一。Colorado Children's Chorale is one of the three world-famous children's chorales, together with Vienna Children's Chorale and Eton Children's Chorale in Britain.

在伊恩·罗伯逊对旧金山男童合唱团的作出的主要贡献中有两件值得一提,一是在东海岸及马林郡建立了两所卫星学校,以及创建了旧金山男童合唱团毕业合唱团。Among Maestro Robertson's major achievements at SFBC are the launching of two satellite campuses in the East Bay and Marin County, and creation of the SFBC Graduate Chorale.

位于加州洛杉矶的迪士尼音乐厅,能容纳2265名观众,是洛杉矶交响乐团和洛杉矶合唱团的演唱大厅。Beautiful concert hall located in Los Angeles, California seats 2, 265 people and serves as the home of the Los Angeles Philharmonic orchestra and the Los Angeles Master Chorale.