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阿尔。卡彭是一位臭名远扬的匪徒。Al Capone was a notorious gangster.

乔布斯是个举世皆知的控制狂。Mr Jobs is a notorious control freak.

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这个城市因其众多的赌场而远近皆知。The town is notorious for its casinos.

他是声名狼藉的赌徒和浪荡子。He was notorious as a gambler and rake.

中国藻华泛滥早已“臭名远扬”。China is notorious for its algae blooms.

一只狗爱它的主人,是无人不知、无人不晓的。The love of a dog for his master is notorious.

伊拉克臭名昭著的阿布格来布监狱将重新开放。Iraq's notorious Abu Ghraib Prison is reopening.

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在这些鸨母中,贝尔-沃特琳是最臭名昭著的一个。Belle Watling was the most notorious of the madams.

埃里森最为声名狼藉的罗曼史终结于法庭。Ellison's most notorious romance ended up in court.

当时有一个出名的囚犯叫巴拉巴。And they had then a notorious prisoner called Barabbas.

卡斯特罗以发表激烈、冗长的演说见长。Castro is notorious for his powerful, lengthy speeches.

萨达姆恶名昭著的儿子乌代也时常参与其中。Sometimes, Saddam's notorious son Uday also weighed in.

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这方面,最为臭名昭著的例子来自农业。The most notorious examples of this are in agriculture.

泰国各类神秘的节日一向远近闻名,而纹身鉴赏典礼可谓是其中最奇特的。Thailand is notorious for its range of arcane festivals.

一个臭名昭著的小气鬼决定举办一个聚会。The notorious cheapskate finally decided to have a party.

那是一个因赌博、酗酒和通奸而臭名昭著的神灵。It is the notorious gambling, drinking, fornicating spirit.

这罪恶昭彰的窃贼因多次犯罪而被送进监狱。The notorious thief was sent to prison for his many crimes.

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当时,有一个出名的囚犯叫巴拉巴。At that time they had a notorious prisoner, called Barabbas.

他是国内最恶名昭彰的银行抢匪之一。He is one of the most notorious bank robbers in the country.

时日已久和过期的物品——我爸妈因冰箱里变质的牛奶而“臭名远扬”。Old, expired items — My parents are notorious for sour milk.