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向外,向整个大宇宙去寻求共鸣。It seeks for resonance from macrocosm.

另附共鸣箱及击槌。With acoustic resonance box and beater.

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现在,我们用核磁共振成像仪就可以做到。We can do this using magnetic resonance imagers.

在复活节引起巨响的这一事件,显然。And Easter is an important resonance here, obviously.

双箭头用来表示共振。Double- headed arrows are used to indicate resonance.

你们就没有一点共鸣么Does that make any--does that have any resonance to you?

分布电容小,自共振频率高。Small distributed capacitance and high resonance frequency.

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它是共振的,这是一个共振结构的情形。This is resonance, this is a case of a resonance structure.

互感电路的谐振是一个比较复杂的问题。Resonance of mutual inductance circuits is a complex problem.

这种现象称为共振荧光中的量子拍。We call this phenomenon quantum beat in resonance fluorescence.

谐振时阻抗为零的电感-电容电路。Inductance-capacitance circuit with zero reactance at resonance.

是这种幽幽的寂静使我们朗朗的笑声发出回响。It was this cloistral hush which gave our laughter its resonance.

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报道了一种模拟共振反应产额曲线的方法。A simulation method of resonance reaction yield curve is reported.

采用一个并-串谐振网络,提供镜像抑制。A shunt-series resonance circuit was used to supply image rejection.

通过对变幅杆的修正,达到实现声振系统共振的目的。Changing the length of pole, it can realize the resonance of system.

采用低频方波方式可有效抑制稳态的声谐振。Low frequency square-wave mode was used to avoid acoustic resonance.

与之相反,自旋向上的近藤峰被加强且向高能级方向移动。The down-spin resonance is enhanced and shift towards higher energy.

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水人,对水和所有水域都有着深深的共鸣。Water People have a deep resonance with the water and all waterways.

阿高流量气体产生的粮食理事会1.0共振频率。A high flow of gases is produced at the WFC v1.0 resonance frequency.

我要介绍的最后一部分内容,是共振态这个概念。So one last concept that I want introduces is this idea of resonance.