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那你会再婚吗?Would You Remarry?

我可不希望到了白发苍苍和他复婚。I do not want to remarry him.

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你死后我会改嫁他人!I’m going to remarry when you die!

他还会不会跟你复婚?He also will not tell you remarry ?

那时林某带着女儿改嫁到柯家。At that time her daughter Lin Ke to remarry.

亲戚朋友劝她再婚或是找个男朋友。Friends and family ask her to remarry or find a boyfriend.

伴随更多同居被接受,为什么要再婚?With the increasing acceptance of cohabitation, why remarry?

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最后,看看那些再婚者展现出的和平相处的秘诀。Finally, looking at those who do remarry reveals a well-kept secret.

大多数人还是会和前任配偶复婚的。The vast majority of people who remarry live with their partner first.

他们的第一段婚姻于1974年告吹,于1975再婚并与次年离异。They divorced in 1974, only to remarry in 1975 and divorce again in 1976.

离婚后复婚是人生中最不可原谅的愚蠢错误。After the divorce to remarry is in the life most unforgivable stupid mistakes.

但当她父亲决定再婚时,她那追求享乐的生活方式产生了变化。But her hedonistic lifestyle is transformed when her father decides to remarry.

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通过接触,两个人很谈得来,刘老先生决定再婚。Through the contact, it is nice to talk to two people, Mr Mr Decided to remarry.

他们希望再结婚,并通过再次生育使得新家庭比较稳定。They want to remarry and have another child to give stability to the new marriage.

算了吧。他既然已有新欢,我也就不打算和他复婚了。I'd call it quits, I would not remarry him for that he's already had his new woman.

他去世了,我不打算改嫁,也不想收养别人的孩子。Since his death I decided not to remarry or get a child outside my matrimonial home.

算了吧。他既然已有新欢,我也就不筹算和他复婚了。I'd call it quits and I would not remarry him for that he's already had his new woman.

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算了吧。他既然已有新欢,我也就不打算和他复婚了。I'd call it quits, and I would not remarry him for that he'salready had his new woman.

因此,女人离婚后应当进行整形手术,以便能够更快地再婚。So women should get plastic surgery if they get divorced so that they can remarry faster.

“我没有多少再婚的欲望,所以离婚对于我来说没有任何好处,”她说。“I don’t have much desire to remarry so there’s no benefit to me fromdivorce, ” she said.