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纹章甲不正确的着色被修正。Incorrect coloring of heraldic mails is fixed.

修正纹章甲上的旗帜显示问题。Fixed banner display problems on heraldic armors.

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纹章学或盾徽的有关纹章学或盾徽的。Heraldry of or relating to heraldry or heraldic arms.

壁炉架旁边有一把印有纹章的小椅子。There was a little heraldic chair by the chimney-piece.

该纹章狮子的上方是持有可可荚。The heraldic lion across the top is holding a cocoa pod.

短片的结束是一支军队,军队的旗帜在风雪中飘扬。It ends with a shot of an army, heraldic banners fluttering.

泡菜里那个定义旗帜的功能。Shield and Heraldic Mail with Surcoat show your custom banner.

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以前的纹章标志在广泛的应用上是太过于详细。The previous heraldic logo is too detailed to work across a wide range of applications.

包含一个纹章学的常规或词汇,通常是装饰、或盾形纹章等的一部分。Contains a heraldic formula or phrase, typically found as part of a blazon , coat of arms, etc.

全球化的百事球星设计中纹章的盾和花饰具有一种欧洲风格。The global Pepsi Star Image design had a European flavor, with heraldic shields and flourishes.

两岸平等的武器和对角线交叉,或圣安德鲁十字,最传统的徽章形式。A cross with equal arms and a diagonal cross, or saltire, were the most traditional heraldic forms.

因此,带有纹章主题的开襟衫可能是源自乡村的灯芯棉床单。Hence, a cardigan whose heraldic motif could have been lifted from a candlewick bedspread in a country cottage.

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即便是她乘坐的路虎-揽胜前飘扬的皇室旗帜的一角仍然饰有爱尔兰竖琴的纹章。Even the royal standard pennant fluttering from her Range Rover still bears a heraldic Irish harp in one corner.

不单单是为了简洁,还一个原因就是我发现动物形象使用之频繁以至泛滥,尤其是具有纹章特点的狮子形象。Not only this but I also found that animal figures were way overused, especially the lion due to it's heraldic nature.

变了形的美国国徽上的那只感到恶心的鹰说出了奥列芬特想说的话,鹰想,是它自己太挑剔呢,还是这两位候选人本身有问题?The nauseated heraldic eagle speaks for Oliphant. Is he, the eagle wonders, being too critical or are the candidates the problem?

唱片被送出几周后,女校长给我们展示了一封背面有三根羽毛样式的印章的信封。A few weeks after the record was sent, the headmistress showed us an envelope with a heraldic crest of three feathers on the back.

变了形的美国国徽上的那只感到恶心的鹰说出了奥列芬特想说的话,鹰想,是它自己太挑剔呢,还是这两位候选人本身有问题?The nauseated heraldic eagle speaks for Oliphant. Is he, the eagle wonders, being too critical or are the candidates the problem?He isn't really sure.

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斧头是一种古老而随处可见的工具,早先用来伐木,后来又用于仪式用途或者作为传令官的标记。The axe is an ancient and ubiquitous tool that has been used to shape, split and cut wood, harvest timber, as a weapon and a ceremonial or heraldic symbol.

部队和骑兵都被装饰上了中世纪战争时期各种华丽的家族纹章,随着战斗进程的推进,单位个体身上会逐渐沾染上泥垢和血污。Troops and cavalry are decorated with all the heraldic finery and colour of medieval warfare that's gradually muddied and bloodstained through the course of battle.