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进站更换锥和弯曲车轴。Replace pitted cones and bent axles.

他的前额因害了水痘而留下许多麻点。His forehead was pitted by chicken pox.

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或是所储果物上的小疵瑕。Or little pitted speck in garner'd fruit.

他们使两只公鸡相斗。They pitted two cocks against each other.

地面被爆炸弄成坑坑洞洞。The ground has been pitted by the bombing.

月球表面因有环形山而变得坑坑洼洼。The surface of the moon is pitted with craters.

在脉之间具洼点的无梗小穗的更低的颖片。Lower glume of sessile spikelet pitted between veins.

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铁砧表面的凹痕可能要用600沙砾纸打磨。Pitted anvil surfaces may be refinished with 600 grit paper.

那块木头的表面被昆虫蛀了一个个的洞。The surface of the wood was pitted with holes made by insects.

斯珀里尔曾领导1976年一场名为“巴黎的裁决”的备受争议的品酒大赛,在那场比赛中,美国加州的葡萄酒和知名法国葡萄酒曾同台对决。pitted Californian wines against prestigious ones from France.

该处船壳板严重腐蚀并密集着锈斑。The shell plating in way was seriously corroded and densely pitted.

而现在,干涸的河床布满凹坑,处处是裂缝和孔洞。Now the barren river bed is pitted with cracks and subsidence holes.

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要证明自己是人类永远的最好伙伴,其道路漫长艰辛。Yet the road to certification as man's BFF has been long and pitted.

次生木质部由孔纹导管、薄壁组织及射线所组成。Secondary xylem consists of pitted vessels, parenchyma fibers and rays.

阿纳金发挥他的赛艇天赋,对抗蝉联冠军萨布巴。Anakin pitted his racing talents against the undefeated champion, Sebulba.

沙尘形成许多超凡的地理景观,例如多孔隙的地面。Dust produces otherworldly landscapes, such as distinctively pitted terrain.

为了达到这个目的,他们让两组人在一系列的竞赛中相互竞争。To do this they pitted the groups against each other in a series of competitions.

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压伤-玻璃表面小的、轻微的凹陷区,带有暗淡的浅灰色。A small lightly pitted area in the glass surface having a dull grayish appearance.

两部超级亚久里赛车同时在第10圈停站,不过他们并没有发生接触。It transpired that the two Aguri drivers did not touch on lap 10, when both pitted.

沙维根的小组将新发现的真菌与几种已知的脱硫菌做了比较。Shayegan's team pitted their new find against several known desulphurising bacteria.