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用这双臂,我将拥抱你。With these arms I'll enfold you.

托尼所指的“我们”又包括谁呢?But who does Tony enfold into his “we”?

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当爱的羽翼拥抱你时,请顺从她。When his wings enfold you, yield to him.

当爱的翅膀拥抱你时,依顺他。And when his wings enfold you yield to him.

她愿把他包容到她爱的温暖之中。She wished to enfold him in the warmth of her love.

将你的嘴唇融进那天鹅绒般的吻。在我包裹住你的时候。Ease your lips into a velvet kiss while I enfold you.

想睡觉了,温暖的被毯就包裹在身。You want to sleep. Warm sheets and blankets enfold you.

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即使死神将我的身形藏匿,更浩瀚的静寂将我包围。And though death may hide me, and the greater silence enfold me.

我只要求这双臂可以把你紧紧环绕,时间无法摧毁的爱。All I ask for these arms to enfold you, and a love, time can never destroy.

他躺下身去。在他睡觉时,他用胳膊轻轻地搂着他。He lays his head down, and her arms enfold him, sheltering him as he sleeps.

在这里那永久和连绵不绝的感觉环绕着你、包裹着你。The feelings of permanence and everlasting just enfold and embrace you here.

当爱召唤你时,请追随她。当爱的羽翼拥抱你时,请顺从她。When love beckons to you follow him. when his wings enfold you yield to him.

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当爱召唤你时,请追随她。当爱的羽翼拥抱你时,请顺从她。When love beckons to you , follow him . When his wings enfold you, yield to him.

当爱展翅拥抱你时,依顺它,虽然它羽翼中的利刃会伤害你。When love's wings enfold you yield to him, though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.

当它的羽翼遮覆你时,依顺它,虽然它羽翼中的利刃会伤害你。And when his wings enfold you yield to him, Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.

当它展翼拥抱你时,依顺着它,尽管它羽翼中的利刃会伤害你。And when his wings enfold you, yield to him, though the swordhidden among his pinions may wound you.

当它展翼拥抱你们时,依顺着它,尽管它羽翼中的利刃会伤害你们。And when his wings enfold you, yield to him, though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.

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当爱的羽翼拥抱你时,请顺从他,尽管隐藏在其羽翼之下的剑可能会伤到你。And when his wings enfold you, yield to him, though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.

当爱的羽翼拥抱你时,请顺从她,尽管隐藏在其羽翼之下的剑可能会伤到你。And when his wings enfold you, yield to him, though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.

方中生石膏味辛性寒,能清热泻火、除烦止渴。Party of gypsum flavour is cold and essien sex can clear away heat, except vexed enfold purging fire.