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告别昨天的恶化。Say goodbye to the depravation of yesterday.

堕落与羞辱充塞著他的童年。Childhood was nothing but depravation and humiliation.

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相比之下,北边仍然陷于孤立,贫困不堪。The North, by contrast, stagnates in isolation and depravation.

艾比湖湖面不断萎缩,流域生态环境问题十分严峻。The dwindling of the Aibi Lake causes the environment depravation.

恋人梦见约会时花束掉落,关系恶化。The nosegay for lover to dreams appointment fallen off, relating to depravation.

嘿啦嗤哇哇的参展作品将包括反视觉的柜子和会呼吸的雕塑。Planned works for Hella Chihuahuas include-visual depravation tanks and sculptures that breathe.

同时还运用了阿克洛夫“柠檬市场”模型,分析了产业集群区域品牌不断趋于劣化的过程。We also use the Akerlof "lemon market" model to analyse the process of cluster brand depravation.

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二是从生态环境恶化带来的生存危机而提出的。Two is an existence crisis that brings from the ecosystem environment depravation but put forward of.

这留下了不受保护的高加索山脉。在战争和堕落后数年,高加索和波斯平民在忍饥挨饿。This left the Caucasus unprotected, and the Caucasian and Persian civilians starving after years of war and depravation.

文章分析城镇化进程中水环境恶化的原因,并提出防治对策。This paper analyzes the cause of water environment depravation during the course of urbanization, and puts forward prevention method.

这一历史时期,文峪河上游植被的破坏,直接导致了流域生态环境恶化。During this period, the destruction of the vegetation in Wenyu drainage area leads to the ecology environment depravation of the area.

你觉得是否有这样一类人,不健全的人生使得他们,更愿意去相信上帝的存在?Do you think there is something about the people who in a situation of depravation that makes them more inclined towards acknowledging God's presence?

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汽车自发明以来,在给人们带来方便的同时也给人们带来了诸多挑战,比如能源短缺和环境恶化等。Since invented, vehicles bring people not only facility, but also challenges, such as shortage of energy sources, depravation of environment and so on.

沙尘暴出现日数的变化是特定气候变化的反映,同时下垫面条件的持续恶化是造成浑善达克沙地西部沙尘暴天气持续增加的重要原因。The result shows the specific reflection of the climate change and the lasting depravation of underlying surface in this region is an important reason.

但耕地减少、资源短缺、环境恶化这三大危机在人类开辟海洋空间过程中也日益显现。But at the same time plantation decreasing, resource shortage and environment depravation also emerge increasing in the progress of ocean space exploitation.

但随着煤矿地质条件的不断恶化,采用小煤柱护巷技术的巷道变形量明显加大,难以满足生产要求。With the depravation of geology condition in colliery, the roadway distortion with small protection pillar increases distinctly and it is hard to meet production need.

土地石漠化是环境恶化的生态标志,亦是国土资源开发整治的重要内容。Stone desertion is one of the most serious crises among the environmental problems in the world, and it also becomes the zoology symbol of the environmental depravation.

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随着石油资源的日益枯竭和环境问题的加重,近年来,淀粉作为补强剂在橡胶中的应用也越来越受到人们的关注。With gradual exhaustion of petroleum and progressive depravation of environmental quality, starch that is regarded as a reinforcing agent is widely used in rubber industry.

土地石漠化是环境恶化的生态标志,亦是国土资源开发整治的重要内容。Rocky desertification is also one of the most serious crises among the environmental problems in the world, and it also becomes the zoology symbol of the environmental depravation.

另一方面.它们通过向政府施加压力或以经济援助附带环境保护条件、发放环境基金等手段.影响或改变国家政策的制定。National sovereignty although to world environment of depravation negative have a responsibility, the sovereign state also is a global environment emollient conservator in the meantime.