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她举起了自己强壮的手臂。She ups with her brawny arm.

铁匠有强壮的胳膊。The blacksmith has a brawny arm.

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一个强壮的铁匠伸手过来抓他。A brawny blacksmith made a reach for him.

瞧他那肌肉的块头就知道他力大无比。His brawny strength is evident from his big muscles.

古枫树那粗壮厚实的身影已深深地印在我的脑海里。The brawny big tree had cast a deep impression in my mind.

强壮的孩子怎么总是喜欢凌弱欺小?The brawny kids always seem to be the bullies, don't they?

增强肌肉结实度,锻炼身体柔软度,防止运动损伤。Increase brawny degree, exercise pliability, avoid athletic loss.

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而成功决定是“肌肉发达的巨人”还是“哭泣的巨人”。Success will mean the difference between a brawny giant and a blubbery one.

大腿粗壮以及小肚腩,是现在大部分女孩苦恼的问题。Ham is brawny and little stomach Nan, it is the problem of affliction of major now girl.

一个个子魁梧,身体壮实的伐木人依着岸边的一颗树。A tall, brawny woodsman stood leaning against a tree which stood upon the bank of the river.

选择抗争还是逃跑,这一天性是由基因决定的。Instead of fleeing, he chose to fight barehanded against a brawny member of the weasel family.

合并有子宫肌瘤的患者,以及下半身肌肉结实之西洋梨体型的患者,减重的效果则不明显。Patients merged with fibroid or pear-shaped patients in brawny lower-body, the slimming effect was unobvious.

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一棵遮天蔽日的大榕树长满了枝干,粗壮有力的枝干下面挂满了一个个金灿灿的橘子。The big banyan overgrow of my day of day of a block limb, hang below brawny and strong limb full each golden orange.

观赏真正的男人了解如何成为强壮的男子从这个独家网上真人秀自己更好的丈夫。Watch real men learn how to become better husbands from the Brawny Man himself in this exclusively online reality show.

但是这种可能性很小,我还那么年轻,而且我身体还那么好。Mostly the possibility is small cause I am so young and brawny but there is always something strange making me jam-packed.

弗雷德里克和同事也采访了141名大学女生,让她们看从肌肉男到苗条男的六种男人轮廓。Frederick and colleagues also asked 141 college women to look at six standardized silhouettes of men ranging from brawny to slender.

其它家具如桌、案、凳等,也可看出这些特点,仅看粗壮的腿便可知其特色。Other furniture is like desk, case, stool to wait, also can see these characteristics, see brawny leg only knowable its characteristic.

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一个高挑健壮的美籍爱尔兰人走进办公室,将一个水晶高脚杯放在桌子上,倒入深紫色的花蜜。A tall, brawny Irish American walks into your office, puts a crystal goblet on the desk, and pours out a serving of a deep-purple nectar.

坚持锻炼下去,各器官的机能逐渐得到提高,肌肉就会坚固粗壮起来,体重就会增加。Insist to take exercise go down, the function of each organ gets rising gradually, muscle can bear fruit brawny rise, weight can increase.

他的五位高个子兄弟羡慕而略带关注地微笑着向他道了声再见,因为杰拉尔德在强壮的一家人中是最小和最矮的一个。His five tall brothers gave him good-by with admiring but slightly patronizing smiles, for Gerald was the baby and the little one of a brawny family.