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庭院四周围以回廊。The courtyard is cloistered.

他隐居于修道院中已三十余年。He has cloistered himself in a monastery for more than thirty years.

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有些人自愿选择住在我们修堂里做苦行主义者。Others choose lives of asceticism within our cloistered residence halls.

除了天生的颖悟和日常舞台经验外,他没有任何凭借。He had led a cloistered existence and had little experience of ordinary life.

在17世纪的米兰,四分之三的女性贵族都与世隔绝。In Milan in the 1600s, three-quarters of the female nobility were cloistered.

总体说来,北朝鲜人民饥寒交迫、生活压抑、与世隔绝,被国外视作不懂事的孩子。NORTH KOREANS are by and large hungry , oppressed, cloistered and treated as infants.

马苏迪的馆员也将它们收藏起来,并保存得相当完好。Massoudi's staff had cloistered those away too, and they were remarkably well preserved.

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我也曾经接触过一个内部通婚的富人俱乐部,他们与世隔绝并且对现代性不屑一顾。I, too, belonged to an inbred and wealthy men’s club cloistered behind walls and disdaining modernity.

然而,在你养父冒险故事的熏陶下,你又无法满足于归隐的生活。However, inspired by your foster father's tales of adventure, you are not content with a cloistered life.

从塔楼到四角庭院尽头的大型餐厅需要很长的时间。It takes an age to walk from the tower to the enormous dining hall at the far end of a cloistered quadrangle.

我们永远不会非常善良仅仅因为我们与世隔绝,或是把我们和诱惑分离。We will never be virtuous simply because we cloistered ourselves or segregated ourselves from any temptation.

让我们带大家探访嘉尔默罗圣母圣衣会的修女,了解她们「爱」的圣召和隐修的生活。Let's visit the Carmelite Sisters in Toronto and learn about their vocation of love and their cloistered lifestyle.

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她说一开始她们很担心这会影响到她们的远离尘嚣的生活,所以她们向圣约瑟祷告。She said that, at first, they were worried it would affect their cloistered life, so they asked St. Joseph in prayer.

对于这番表示,一贯拒绝中方管理人员在新闻媒体上抛头露面的首钢公司以沉默作为回应。Shougang, which keeps its Chinese managers cloistered away from the news media, has generally responded to such statements with silence.

最重要的可能是,他们需要从暴露在赤道阳光下的住所和活动场所迁到火柴盒似的高层建筑物内。Perhaps, most importantly, they had traded family compounds and regular exposure to the equatorial sun for cloistered high-rise apartments.

除非实行对外开放,否则Wakhan和住在那里的人们将继续这种过了几个世纪的与世隔绝,与风雪为伴的艰苦生活。Until those doors open, the Wakhan and its people will probably remain cloistered in their world of wind and ice, as they have for centuries.

塞布·诺德是洛尔德星球开颜姐妹会的终身成员,但她渐渐对隐居生活产生反感。Seib Nod was a lifelong member of the Sisterhood of the Beatific Countenance on the planet Lorrd but grew bored with their cloistered lifestyle.

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香港新填地街上的农贸市场吸引了仍然喜欢到露天市场上购物而不愿到大商场购物的居民。THE fruit-and-vegetable market on Reclamation Street in Hong Kong attracts residents who still prefer to shop at open stalls rather than cloistered malls.

但是他率先做出机器人倾卸车、谷物收割机和采矿测图机,还有许多其他的成就,在机器人学的圈子里已经很出名了。But having pioneered robotic dump trucks, crop harvesters and mine mappers, among many others, he is already famous within the cloistered world of robotics.

利比亚人的记忆恍如隔世,国家大部分的特权和财富都高度集中在以卡扎菲亲信和亲戚为首的小圈子内。Their memories will likely be of a cloistered regime whose privilege and wealth was increasingly reserved for a small circle of Gaddafi loyalists and relatives.