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重申你的理由清楚。Restate your reasons clearly.

对不起,你的问题我没有理解,请你再说一遍好吗?I"m sorry, but I didn"t understand your question. Could you please restate it?

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因此,我们在每次的年报中都会重申指导我们的经济原则。In each annual report, consequently, we restate the economic principles that guide us.

很多人在简历中或目标总结中复述工作要求。Some people restate the job's requirements in their summary of qualifications or objective.

在正式签约之前,我们要重申一下协议的重点。Before the formal contract is drawn up we'd like to restate the main points of the agreement.

壳牌已经决定调整2002年20-F表中的财务报告内容,并将对报表本身进行修改。Shell has decided to restate financial statements in the 2002 Form 20-F, which is to be amended.

当它产生错误之后,只需指出需要改正的词,并且重述正确的词就可以了。When it makes a mistake, you simply tell it what words to correct, and then restate the correct words.

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正确的进路是正本清源,以私法的概念重述民间的习惯法。The right way is to take radical reform and to restate folk traditional law with concepts in private law.

他们不但要自己懂得经济概念与术语,而且要能用浅显易懂的语言来表述说明这些概念。They must understand economic concepts and terms and be able to define or restate them in plain language.

主持人将是明智重申发言者的意见非英语译成英文,并确认其正确性。Chairpersons would be wise to restate the speakers' non english comments into english and confirm its correctness.

关键是要把一个需要很多编码的困难问题,转换为一个需要较少编码的简单问题。The key is to restate any hard problem that requires a lot of software into a simple problem that requires much less.

这样你就可以重述需求,使之清晰和无二义性,提供足够的细节以支持设计。Then you would restate the requirements to make them clear and unambiguous, providing enough detail to support a design.

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在这里,我还要强调,任何想拿涉藏问题做文章、从事破坏中国稳定活动的图谋,都是不可能得逞的。I'd like to restate here that any attempt to destabilize China by taking advantage of Tibet-related issues is doomed to fail.

你可能会觉得你是被重复,但使用的感谢信,重申你的热情和你关于这份工作的胜任这份工作。You may feel like you're being repetitive, but use the thank-you note to restate your enthusiasm about the job and your qualifications for the position.

你打去公司时候要找那个面试你的人,你需要表现得礼貌而专业,重申你对该职位的兴趣,但是不要表现得不顾一切!Ask to speak with the person who interviewed you. You should be polite and professional, restate your interest in the position but don't sound desperate!

就一代人而论,一个既定的司法辖权内的法律报告构成其全部法律之相当部分,并从当下角度对其重予陈述。The reports of a given jurisdiction in the course of a generation take up pretty much the whole body of the law, and restate it from the present point of view.

恰巧这项研究支持了这个想法,人们对巨蟒和马格利特都产生了相同的反应,导致他们重申他们相信的价值观。The research backed up this idea. Both Python and Magritte produced the same counter-reaction in people, leading them to restate values in which they believed.

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通常,这意味着概要不会重新声明给定规范的基本要求,除非有需要澄清的不明确之处。That means that the profile does not, typically, restate the underlying requirements of a given specification unless there is some ambiguity that needs clarification.

扎伊迪在整个过程中都显得很紧张,在审判一开始就再次陈述他“并非试图杀害布什或对他进行羞辱”。Zaidi, who seemed nervous throughout, began to restate his defence from the first session of the trial, saying that he had not "intended to kill Bush or humiliate him".

中国循环能源之后确实重编2008年财报,但指出,在某些问题上,中国循环能源与审计公司GPKM不认同德勤的部分看法.China Recycling Energy did then restate its 2008 earnings, although the company indicated that in some areas it and auditor GPKM disagreed with some of Deloitte's points.