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交通阻塞。Traffic blocking.

慢车道?。Slow traffic lane?

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瞧这拥挤的交通。Look at the traffic.

就是航空一样。It's like air traffic.

远处若隐若现的车流喧嚣。Distant traffic noises.

我被困在车阵中。I got stuck in traffic.

它就象交通警察一样。It is like a traffic cop.

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路上太堵了。The traffic was horrible.

你看见堵车有多严重了吗?Have you seen the traffic?

但是交通使我担心!But the traffic worries me!

他可能遇上交通阻塞了。Maybe he in the traffic jam.

我被困在了交通堵塞的情况中。I was stuck in a traffic jam.

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交通阻塞长达一英里。Traffic backed up for a mile.

北京、多伦多,都处都有交通堵塞。Beijing, Toronto, traffic jams

大城市的交通使我们迷失方向。Big city traffic bewilders us.

从关于此只脚的交通。From hereon only foot traffic.

在中国,车辆靠右边行驶。In China, traffic keeps right.

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所以车才那么多。So it's just a lot of traffic.

新停车临检方法。The new traffic stop approach.

这里有很多交通堵塞的状况。There’s a lot of traffic jams.