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加里参加三项全能运动训练。Gary is training for a triathlon.

你说你是一名铁人三项运动员。You said you're a triathlon player.

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是的。我正在为参加三项全能运动而训练。Yes. I do. I'm training for a triathlon.

从三项全能运动训练中学到的6条人生真谛Six Life Lessons Learned from Triathlon Training

夏威夷邀请最合适的选手参赛,以保存其铁人三项赛。Hawaii challenges the fittest to survive its Ironman triathlon.

我今年的目标是完成一次奥运会距离的铁人三项。My goal this year is to complete an Olympic-distance triathlon.

其中包括从跳绳到体育三项全能的45种运动。It includes 45 types of activities from rope skipping to the triathlon.

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我的妻子大学里就游泳,并且在毕业后转入铁三。My wife was a collegiate swimmer and turned to triathlon after college.

为了能参加比赛,你必须参加一个三项赛俱乐部。To be able to enter races, you have to be a member of a triathlon club.

本人愿意代表参与毅腾三项铁人会2010年度之赛事。I agree to represent Titan Triathlon to participate the race during 2010.

我想用平时卖东西时用的自行车去参加铁人三项赛。I think I'll participate in the triathlon with my old, one-speed bicycle.

我很高兴来汇报今早完成的第一次急速短跑三项全能运动!I’m happy to report that I finished my first sprint triathlon this morning!

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我想用平时卖东西时用的脚踏车去到场铁人三项赛。I thellonk I'll participate in the triathlon with my old, one-speed bicycle.

我住在邦迪海滩,于是就加入了邦迪跑步和三项俱乐部。Living in Bondi Beach, I signed up with the Bondi Running And Triathlon Club.

现在,只要学好游泳和单车,我就能够参加铁人三项比赛了。Now, if only I could learn to swim and bike, I'd be ready for a good triathlon.

本规程解释权归上海铁人三项运动俱乐部所有。Shanghai Triathlon Club reserves all rights on the explanation of this brochure.

要是想知道她是干什么的,跟你们说吧,她是三项全能运动员!Ah, in the case you want to know what she does, she is competes in the triathlon.

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我相信你也知道航空酒吧用于计时赛和铁人三项自行车为主。I am sure you are aware aero bars are used primarily on Time Trial and Triathlon bikes.

我以前从未参加过三项全能运动,后来我参加了而且全部完成。Never before had I done a triathlon and I went out there and completed the whole thing.

本人准许毅腾三项铁人会使用本人所提供之资料,作为本会活动及未来活动宣传之用。I permit the Titan Triathlon to use the above information in the operation of its activities.