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它天性还记仇,并且残忍。Vindictive too. Cruel. Her nature.

他显出一副报复和敲诈的样子。Bob appears to be both vindictive and extortionate.

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选举过程中大部份是苦毒与仇恨。It was a bitter, vindictive campaign for the most part.

在他与罗娜的婚礼上,心怀怨恨的卡弗射杀了新娘。At his wedding to Lorna, a vindictive Carver shoots the bride.

对罗曼斯基先生的影迷来说,将其引渡是个蓄意报复、阴险狡诈的决定。For Mr Polanski’s fans, the extradition decision is vindictive and sinister.

小男女斗嘴斗气,有了一种别样的关系。Vindictive little men and women squabble, with a different kind of relationship.

孩子们都默不做声,互相敌视,报复心强,不断地叫饿。The children were silent, hostile, vindictive , continuously complaining of hunger.

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机枪在黑暗中吐出一道凶厉的白光,活象一支喷火的乙炔吹管。In the darkness the machine gun spat a vindictive white light like an acetylene torch.

机枪在黑暗中吐出一道凶厉的白光,活象一支喷火的乙炔吹管。In the darkness, the machine gun spat a vindictive white light like an acetylene torch.

机枪在黑暗中吐出一道凶厉的白光,活象一支喷火的乙炔吹管。In the darkness, the machine gun spat a vindictive white light like an acetylene torch.

但在小鹰号事件上的态度反复让中国看起来既有报复之心同时又举棋不定。But the flip-flopping over the Kitty Hawk made China seem both vindictive and indecisive.

另外,你喜欢沉思,易于记仇,而且可能会有些多疑,又怀有报复心。You also have a tendency to brood and to bear grudges and can be suspicious and vindictive.

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他神经过敏,睚眦必报,麻木不仁,但同时也风度翩翩,魅力四射,满腔热血。He was neurotic, vindictive and insensitive as well as charming, charismatic and full of warmth.

想想如此深含报复性的观点,就算是有时相当得逞,但还仅仅是自我暴力而已。Consider how harboring vindictive thoughts, even though so compelling at times, is nothing but violence to oneself.

大批半饥饿和心怀报复的城镇居民来到乡村,从农民手中抢夺粮食,后者则被指控为囤积居奇。Large mobs of half-starved and vindictive townsmen descended on villages to seize food from farmers accused of hoarding.

“你真是快得出奇,”她爸爸带点报复意味地、彬彬有礼地讥刺说,“迈克尔先吃。”"You have been wonderfully quick, " her father retorted, with a vindictive politeness that was quite thrown away upon her.

对于凡人,马尔斯有时表现得就跟他那美貌的对手、朱庇特的那永不怠倦的女儿密涅瓦一样的复仇心切。Toward mortals Mars could show himself, on occasion, as vindictive as his fair foe, Minerva, the unwearied daughter of Jove.

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苹果的合作伙伴们似乎都被苹果“大名鼎鼎”的保密文化同化了,或者说他们都很害怕苹果的报复。Apple's partners appear to be assimilating to Apple's notorious devotion to secrecy – or fearful of its vindictive reprisals.

如今,男人们对策略已经很了解了,因为女权运动过度的使用了策略。Tactics that are far more understood by men these days, because they have been so overused by a vindictive feminist movement.

英国最新公布的一份研究报告显示,在一对夫妇办完离婚手续开始分割财产时,女性比男性更有可能产生报复对方的心态。Women are more likely to feel vindictive than men when it comes to dividing up possessions after a divorce, research has showed.