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然而,我的不正当行为激怒了你。However, my offensive malfeasance irritates you.

成千上万的纽约人受到危害世台会产生碎片和政府渎职。Thousands of New Yorkers were endangered by WTC debris—and government malfeasance.

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丑闻曝光之后,同行们都在痛定思痛,思考今后怎样才能避免此类事件的发生。Afterwards, colleagues wring their hands and wonder how such malfeasance can be avoided in the future.

其实,对周正毅进行正式查办之前他就已成为中央政府所列的早期调查目标。But Mr. Zhou became an early target as the central government began probing into malfeasance in Shanghai.

当专业的人力资本的价值敏于表现时,专业的人力资本可以对渎职行为起到一种担保的作用。Professional human capital serves as a bond against malfeasance when its value is sensitive to performance.

第三,论述了司法类渎职犯罪主体认定中的几大疑难问题。It also gives an analysis of the scope of"judicial personnel"and the scope of subject of crime of malfeasance.

由私人关系的独特存在方式而产生的信任,增长了违法的机会。The trust engendered by personal relations presents, by its very existence, enhanced opportunity for malfeasance.

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做好林业渎职犯罪预防工作是林业主管部门的重要职责。Preventing forestry crime of malfeasance is an important duty of forestry administrative departments at all levels.

当该市市长盗窃市政基金的行为被发现后,他被逮捕并被指控犯有渎职罪。When the theft of municipal funds by the city's mayor was discovered, he was arrested and charged with malfeasance.

汉律对于司法官吏渎职罪的规定,贯穿于刑事司法的各主要环节。And the strict prescriptions for Crime of Malfeasance in Han Dynasty's Law run through all criminal judicatory details.

渎职罪主体可分为纯正国家机关工作人员和非纯正国家机关工作人员两类。This article classifies the subjects of malfeasance as pure government functionary and non-pure government functionary.

这样就会大大增加贪污和渎职问题,因为在领导位置上的人选并不正确。That increases the likelihood of corruption and malfeasance because we’ve got the wrong people in positions of leadership.

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徇私枉法罪是防治刑事司法人员职务犯罪的重要规定。The crime of bending the law to serve one's personal considerations for favoritism is the judicial personnel's malfeasance.

当新闻报导远方闹洪涝饥荒、违法渎职和百姓营养不良时,他们自我安慰可以偏安另一个世界。When news arrived of distant floods and famines, malfeasance and malnutrition, they told themselves that theirs was a world apart.

因为这些匿名信源,政府和其他人想要保密的犯罪、不正当行为和其他新闻得以公开。Because of them, criminality, malfeasance and other stories that government and others would prefer stay secret have come to light.

在我的想象中,他们似乎有不可思议的能力——知道我在想什么,他们因为任何不正当的行为急不可耐地惩罚我。In my imagination, they seemed to have an uncanny ability to know what I was thinking, and were eager to punish me for any malfeasance.

俗话说船大头难调,大企业想从丑闻、金融犯罪、公共安全事故等的阴影中走出来的确不容易,但这也并非完全不可能。For big companies, bounding back from corporate scandal, financial malfeasance or public disaster is difficult--but it isn't impossible.

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吐温的写作正值在美国军队远征国外,以及商业世界乱象丛生的时候,听起来耳熟么?He was also writing during a time of American military expeditions abroad and criminal malfeasance in the business world — sound familiar?

在此,我们认为,尽管确实出现了一些不规范或不诚信的行为,但是这些行为不应在实践中成为通告的或预期行为。We argue here that although malfeasance and dishonesty do indeed occur, they are not necessarily the normal or expected behavior in practice.

政务信息公开条例有望为公民提供一把利剑,公众可以通过有效监督政府来打击渎职行为。The open government regulations potentially offer 'a sword for citizens to fight against malfeasance by monitoring the government effectively.'