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肾上腺素可以隔着衣服注射。The epinephrine injection may be applied through clothing.

这是因为你的身体给你注射了一剂强效的肾上腺素。Your body has just given you a powerful dose of epinephrine.

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肾上腺素能够快速紧急改善速发型过敏反应过程。Epinephrine is critical to rapidly improve the course of anaphylaxis.

肾上腺素是最常见的抗过敏药。Epinephrine is the most commonly used drug for severe allergic reactions.

异丙肾上腺素的急性毒性比肾上腺素小得多。The acute toxicity of isoproterenol is much less than that of epinephrine.

当你突然受到压力,你的身体就会释放出肾上激素。Your body releases epinephrine in response to short term stress situations.

COMT的作用就是消除肾上腺素之类的压力激素。The job of the COMT gene is to get rid of stress hormones such as epinephrine.

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如果辅助体力劳动,肾上腺素会同汗水一起排出。If assisting some physical work, the epinephrine will excrete out with thje sweat.

局麻药溶液中加入肾上腺素,使血管收缩。The addition of epinephrine to local anesthetic solutions produces vasoconstriction.

目的探讨大剂量肾上腺素在心肺复苏中的应用情况。Objective To investigate the using of high-dose epinephrine for cardiac resuscitation.

具有速发型过敏反应病史的所有儿童应当考虑用肾上腺素治疗。All children with a history of anaphylaxis should be considered for treatment with epinephrine.

某些种类的动物尤其是猫的肾上腺素分泌会造成淋巴球增多症。Lymphocytosis occurs in some species, especially the cat, as a response to epinephrine secretion.

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有些人一旦出现过敏反应,可以注射医生开具的肾上腺素。Some people are prescribed injectable epinephrine that they can administer themselves in an emergency.

有一种叫做酪氨酸的氨基酸,可以提高多巴胺,去甲肾上腺素和肾上腺素的合成量。One amino acid, called tyrosine, will increase the production of dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine.

最后以内视镜注射法成功地止血。Bleeding from the polypectomy site was successfully treated with endoscopic submucosal epinephrine injection.

与注射肾上腺素相关的可能的短暂副作用包括震颤、焦虑和心悸。Possible transient adverse events associated with epinephrine administration include tremor, anxiety, and palpitations.

方法对2002年以来11例应用大剂量肾上腺素进行心肺复苏的病例做回顾性研究。Methods Made retrospective study on 11 cases with cardiac arrest using high-dose epinephrine for resuscitation sine 2002.

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曾经历过速发型过敏反应的儿童可能在社区再次遇到致敏原,应当为其开出肾上腺素处方。Epinephrine should be prescribed for children who hae experienced anaphylaxis who may re-encounter the trigger in the community.

曾经历过速发型过敏反应的儿童可能在社区再次遇到致敏原,应当为其开出肾上腺素处方。Epinephrine should be prescribed for children who have experienced anaphylaxis who may re-encounter the trigger in the community.

目前文献确定肾上腺素是卫生保健单位外的儿童速发型过敏反应急救治疗药物。The current review examines the use of epinephrine as first-aid treatment of anaphylaxis in children outside of the healthcare setting.