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问一些愚蠢的问题折磨你父亲了。Stop tormenting your father by asking silly questions.

杨志良解释,折磨生命就是浪费生命。Yang Chih-Liang explained that tormenting life is wasting life.

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你知道她有一种病,这种病折磨她九年了。You know she has a disease that is tormenting her for nine years.

通货膨胀又是一个我们必须学会面对的痛苦的新情况。Inflation is a new tormenting situation we must learn to deal with.

而折磨曼联的中后卫,是他最喜爱的消遣之一。Tormenting United's central defenders is one of his favourite pastimes.

她天真浪漫,心怀坦诚,猜不到这种轻微的接触有多么折磨人。Her innocent, candid soul does not divine how tormenting such small intimacies can be.

土地测量员K想象不出此外其它的任何焦虑能让他如此痛苦。The Land Surveyor K. cannot imagine another anxiety than the one that is tormenting him.

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那些该类型宗谱者是没有同情心的,并从折磨他人中获得乐趣。Those with this type of genealogy have no compassion and derive pleasure from tormenting others.

于是,莉莉鼓起勇气向男孩发问。这问题前一天晚上已令她饱受煎熬。Seeing this, Lily gathered her courage and asked him what had been tormenting her all last night.

这个令人痛苦的棘手问题使那个有悲剧性性格特点的毒贩辗转反侧。The tormenting tough issue made the drug trafficker with tragic trait of character toss and turn.

里奈-勒-堡可能没有一点财宝,但这个地方还是栖息着足够多的魔鬼来折磨着她。Rennes-le-Château might hold no treasure, but this place harbored demons intent on tormenting her.

克拉姆喜欢折磨贾巴的其他手下,尤其是该赫特人的翻译官。Crumb had an affinity for tormenting Jabba's other employees, most notably the Hutt's interpreters.

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易怒的人就像一只错误地卷起刺的刺猬,用自己的刺刺痛自己。An irritable man is like a hedgehog rolled up the wrong way, tormenting himself with his own prickles.

易怒的人像一只反过来蜷缩的刺猬,用它自己的刺刺痛自己。An irritable man is like a hedgehog rolled up the wrong way, tormenting himself with his own prickles.

由于做不到,我边狂暴地惩罚自己,一腔傲气的雄心折磨着自己那敏感的血肉之躯。Because I could not be, I furiously scourged myself, arrogant ambition tormenting sensitive flesh and blood.

不幸的是那股邪恶的激情一直纠缠着我,我一门心思想找一个折磨这个可怜的女人的方法。But, alas, I was ruled by sour resentments, and thought only of finding a way of tormenting the poor creature.

特别是当你心急火燎要达到目的的时候,多等一分钟,内心的焦虑就增加好几倍。Waiting is tormenting. The anxiety doubles when you are thirsty for the success. One more minute is a disaster.

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大概没有那个作家能够达到陀思妥耶夫斯基的层次,能够赋于这个荒谬世界如此亲切而又令人痛苦的魅力。And probably no one so much as Dostoevsky has managed to give the absurd world such familiar and tormenting charms.

我只是开个玩笑而已。不过,我倒是希望你这辈子再也不要喝那么。Arrrgh! Li Hua, you really do get a kick out of tormenting me. I'll never get wasted for the rest of my life. I promise.

易怒的人像一只反过来卷缩的刺猬,用自己的刺折磨自己。——英国诗人胡德。An irritable man is like a hedgehog rolled up the wrong way, tormenting himself with his own prickles. Thomas Hood, British poet.