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我是一个软件园丁。I am a Software Gardener.

汤姆是打零工的园丁。Tom is a jobbing gardener.

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我是一个很勤恳的园丁。I'm a very devoted gardener.

园丁把树篱剪平。The gardener cropped the hedges.

花园工人拔除了杂草。The gardener pulled up the weeds.

懒散的管园人立即答应了。The lazy gardener quickly agreed.

老园丁有一双粗糙的手。The old gardener had horny hands.

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园丁修剪了灌木丛。The gardener clipped the shrubbery.

园丁正在修整草坪。The gardener is barbering the lawn.

老园丁有园艺技能。The old gardener has green fingers.

老园丁是一个挺好的人。The old gardener is a nice old boy.

园丁把所有的灌木丛都修剪了。The gardener cut back all the bushes.

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园工把所有的灌木丛都剪短了。The gardener cut back all the bushes.

一名糟糕的园丁怪怨他的耙子。A bad gardener quarrels with his rake.

园丁定期刈草。The gardener mows the grass regularly.

我的一个园友有这种百合。One of my gardener has this kind of lily.

园丁给植物洒水。The gardener dribbled water on the plant.

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老园丁将土彻底翻过。The old gardener dug the soil thoroughly.

我的一个园友有这种百合。One eof my gardener has this kind of lily.

园丁每年都给果园施肥。The gardener mucked the orchard every year.