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她是位声誉卓著的作家。She is a writer of great renown.

拉马克将军是个有声望也有作为的人。Lamarque was a man of renown and of action.

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你知道这儿有什么名胜地吗?Do you know any places of renown around here?

他的名声已传遍全国。His renown has spread throughout the country.

他指挥过许多世界著名的管弦乐队。He has conducted many a world- renown orchestra.

让我们访问一下著名的俄罗斯巡洋舰瓦良格号并见见它的船员。Let’s visit a renown Russian cruiser Varyag and meet its crew.

正因这些扣人心弦的篇章才使得他的作品举世闻名。It's just these heart-thrilling chapters that brought his work world renown.

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这个是哈林篮球俱乐部,而张伯伦的加入,给了他们新的生命。It was a renown Harlem spot, and with Wilt's involvement, he gave it new life.

最后她离了婚,搬回到伊利诺斯州,成为小有名气的艺术家。Ultimately she divorced, moved back to Illinois, and became an artist of some renown.

可以说,他是一位享有世界性声誉的杰出的诗人。It is no exaggeration to say that Mr. Ye Shibin is an outstanding poet of world renown.

我认为他曾是一个很有名望的术士,但他并不喜欢谈论他的过去。I think he used to be a sorcerer of great renown , but he doesn't like to talk about his past.

但是最应感谢的是,没有人必须靠着你的名誉或财产来生活。But above all be grateful that no one will have to live down either your renown or your wealth.

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梁继璋先生是香港一位名电台节目主持人,也是一位儿童心理学导师。Following is a letter to his son from a renown Hong Kong TV broadcaster cum Child Psychologist.

围城期间,德‧奥布森三度负伤,也为之赢得在欧洲各地的名声。The siege, in which d' Aubusson was wounded three times, enhanced his renown throughout Europe.

邦腊掌以其风光秀美、温泉疗效显著而闻名遐迩。Bang'lazhang enjoys widespread renown for its beautiful scenery and highly curative hot springs.

感恩吧,你并未靠着父亲的荣耀四处受宠,也未曾仗着叔父的财宝饱食终日,你自己活自己的。Be grateful that you do not have to live down the renown of a father nor the wealth of an uncle.

实华国旅“服务细腻、线路新颖”的品牌形象蜚声海外。Its brand image of "attentive service and novel routes" wins great renown in overseas countries.

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这赢得了名声和绰号“月光石,对官方的植物王国”。This has earned it the renown and sobriquet "The moonstone on the Crown of the Kingdom of Plants".

他们把享有盛名的蒙特苏马,阿兹特克国王谁是伟大的历史巧克力风扇。They took the name of Montezuma, the Aztec king who was a chocolate fan of great historical renown.

但是,这有助于最重要的是向著名的香格里拉大霉的奥卡是其农业学校。But that which contributes most of all to the renown of La Trappe of Oka is its agricultural school.