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共聚物的涂膜具有较好的光泽度及硬度。The coating material of copolymer has good hardness and glossiness.

接下来,我叠加了两个光泽和反射层,这样图看上去会更真实。Next I added two glossiness and reflection layers for realistic final look.

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没有光泽度的肌肤是肌肤产生皱纹的老化征兆。Does not have glossiness flesh is the flesh has the wrinkle aged indication.

第一张贴图采用的是r。光泽度,在镶木地板漆中产生了些许变化。First map is added in r. glossiness to make subtle changes in the parquet lacquer.

我不奢望这部电影是一本历史教科书,但却让影片黯淡不少。I don't expect the film to be a history lesson but its glossiness is disappointing.

晚抽薹、叶色深绿,有光泽,叶柄宽厚,品质好。Late-bolting, dark green and glossiness leaf, thick and wider petiole, good quality.

所有动作都由气缸来完成,保持靴面原来的韧性和光泽度。Fully operated by air cylinder, retaining the tenacity and glossiness of the boot-vamp.

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通过实验测定了水性油墨光泽度和各影响因素的关系。Through experiments the relationship between glossiness and its influence factors were tested.

而且铸铁缸光泽度好,使用年限是三种缸中最长的。And cast-iron crock glossiness is good, use fixed number of year is the longest in 3 kinds of crocks.

用其制备的涂料具有良好的耐化学腐蚀性、高硬度和良好的光泽性。The coatings prepared with this curing agent will be of good erosion resistance, hardness and glossiness.

改变各种助剂含量制备油墨,用凹版打样机打样,测量样张的色密度和光泽度。Proof was made with gravure test press, and the color density and glossiness of the samples were measured.

然后我可以控制它的光泽度来决定这个玻璃杯是否是磨砂的。We can then control glossiness depending on the purity of the glass, or whether or not the glass is "frosted".

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本文介绍在HDPE撕裂膜中添加EBS,可改进润滑作用、提高光泽、提高产品性能。This paper shows that adding EBS to HDPE torn film can improve lubricity, glossiness and properties of products.

金属色色彩炫目、光泽度很好,但不太容易被日常生活接受。Eye of dazzle of metallic lubricious colour, glossiness is very good, but be lived not quite easily to accept daily.

本文通过实验方法就釉浆颗粒的细度对搪瓷光泽性能的影响作了一些探索。The effect of particle size distribution of slips on the glossiness of enamels has been investigated by experiments.

表层具有很强的平滑度和光泽度,直接可以用来印刷,产品适用范围非常广泛。The surface has very strong smoothness and glossiness. It has a wide application and can be used for printing directly.

石材表面光泽度的高低还与材料本身缺陷和表面残留凹坑密切相关。The degree of glossiness of stones is also related with material inherent flaws and the remained craters on stone surface.

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石蜡同时也成为制作蜡烛的原料,并且提供了水果或是巧克力表面的清洁蜡。Paraffin wax also happens to help make candles, and may even provide the polish on an apple or the glossiness of chocolate.

在实验的基础上,比较和分析了抛光条件对板面光泽度的影响。An experimental study on the polishing glossiness of granite surface has been conducted under different polishing conditions.

反之,撤得多了地板的光泽度、透明度、仿真度和花纹效果都会受到影响。Conversely, remove more the glossiness of the floor, diaphaneity, emulate spend and decorative pattern effect can be affected.