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还有什么生物能比鲨鱼还令人胆战心惊的?Is there any creature more fearsome than the shark?

费特身着曼达洛式的可怕盔甲。Fett dresses in fearsome armor of Mandalorian design.

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通过你的努力,你已经让一名勇武的伍基人获得了自由。Through your hard work, you’ve freed a fearsome Wookiee.

我不免会想,现在我兄弟穿着睡衣的样子,是否依然令人惊怕呢?I wonder if he would have been quite so fearsome in pajamas.

可怕的龙又回来了,这是由你来阻止它!The fearsome dragon has returned, and it is up to you to stop it!

死亡是降临到这个世界上的一个残忍的、无情的、可怕的侵入者。Death is a cruel, brutal, and fearsome trespasser into this world.

究竟是什么让这里如此恐怖,令一切的一切都对它唯恐避之不及?What is it that lays here that is so fearsome that all would avoid?

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博西巴的最高祭司加密科藏在他可怖的祭天面具后面。Gamic , the High Priest of Bo-hibba, in his fearsome ceremonial mask.

科莫多龙是现存体型最大的巨型蜥蜴,它也是一种令人生畏的食肉动物。The Komodo dragon is the largest living lizard and a fearsome predator.

记得你的生日,鞋号,密码,最怕的事。He remembers exactly your birthday, your shoe size, your fearsome thing.

长相吓人的龙鱼曾是最早的海洋食肉动物之一The fearsome ichthyosaur was one of the very earliest large sea predators

即便是那些最可怕的专制堡垒也终将被打破。Even the most fearsome fortresses of repression can eventually be breached.

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步美在后备箱里发现了大量的现金,还有小女孩的头颅,非常害怕。Ayumi found a lot of money and a girl's head in the boot and was very fearsome.

你将会作为强大并可怕的翼骑兵在战斗中冲锋?Will you charge to battle as one of the power full and fearsome winged hussars?

他强壮的身体力量和可怕的体格,加上移动迅速的脚步。His bludgeoning power and fearsome frame worked in tandem with fast-moving feet.

一名御林铁卫并非生来就是比骑士更可怕的敌手。Kingsguard is not by nature any more fearsome an opponent than any other Knight.

营救美丽的公主阿里阿德涅,使她脱离可怕的弥诺陶洛斯的世界。Rescue the beautiful princess Ariadna and rid the world of the fearsome Minotaur.

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这道苏格兰的国菜,有一个可怕的名声,这与它的实际是不符的。Scotland’s adopted national dish has a fearsome reputation, but it is undeserved.

火山碎屑流是由火山喷发而引起的最可怕自然灾害。Pyroclastic flows are some of the most fearsome hazards posed by erupting volcanoes.

四根犬牙从嘴的上下伸出,使它们看上去很可怕。Four canine teeth protrude above and below the jaw, giving them a fearsome appearance.