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侧化的过程被认为是一种发育成长的过程。The process of lateralization is believed to be maturational.

鱼类的脑部侧化现象则似乎也能带来一些生存优势。Lateralization seems to confer an advantage for some fish as well.

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结果表明对汉字数字的加工也是偏侧化的。The result shows there is lateralization in Chinese number cognition.

大家并不知道是否它妨碍了大脑侧化的建立。It is not known whether it prevents the establishment of cerebral lateralization.

结果表明对于几何形状的认知没有表现出偏侧化。The result shows that there is no lateralization in recognizing geometric figures.

惯用手和语言侧化的关系,见第四章。For the relationship between handedness and speech lateralization , see Chapter four.

去氨加压素刺激国际前列腺症状评分是无法区分垂体瘤侧。Desmopressin-stimulated IPSS was unable to differentiate pituitary tumor lateralization.

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已有报道表明初生期新环境的刺激能导致成年鼠大脑两半球的功能的测向化。It has been reported that neonatal stimulation can cause lateralization in adult rats hemisphere.

使用NIHSS基础分数预测卒中预后必须将半球因素考虑在内。Use of the baseline NIHSS score to predict stroke outcome must take hemispheric lateralization into account.

在侧化完成的年龄之后,习得语言变得越来越难。It becomes progressively more difficult to acquire language after the age at which lateralization is complete.

关键期假设认为,关键期的结束与这种侧化过程的完全吻合。It is believed that the end of the critical period corresponds to the completion of this lateralization process.

但是,这一假设还没有在有关双语者语义加工的偏侧化研究中进行过验证。However, this theory had not been applied to the researches on the semantic processing lateralization of bilinguals.

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因此我们通过前瞻性急性卒中试验来评估偏侧性半球卒中对病人的影响。We evaluated the influence of hemispheric lateralization among patients enrolled in prospective acute stroke trials.

各波峰潜期随年龄增加而延长,与性别和眼侧无密切关系。The interval of latencies is increased with age but there is no close relationship between sex and eye lateralization.

人类的认知与感知功能定位于某一特定半球的现象被称为大脑的侧化。The localization of cognitive and perceptual function in a particular hemisphere of the brain is called lateralization _.

证明左半球的语言侧化的证据来自于两耳分听研究。Evidence in supporting of lateralization for language in the left hemisphere comes from researches in dichotic listening tasks.

背景和目的——目前卒中的偏侧性对患者功能和心血管系统恢复的影响并不确定。Background and Purpose—The influence of stroke lateralization on functional and cardiovascular outcome after stroke is not well established.

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虽然语言的侧化不像肢体的侧化一样可以系统化地回溯到某些明确的原因,但至少我们可以假设。Although the lateralization of language function cannot be traced phylogenetically for obvious reasons, that of limb-preference could be, at least theoretically.

语言习得的关键期与大脑半球语言和其它认知技能侧化的时期吻合。The critical period for language acquisition coincides with the time during which the brain's hemispheric lateralization for language and other cognitive skills takes place.

在随访中HSN和VIN的方向颠倒表明,基于这些眼震方向VIN的偏侧性应该在疾病阶段引起注意。Direction reversal of HSN and VIN during follow-up suggests that lateralization of VNbased on the direction of these nystagmus should be considered in the context of disease phase.