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那第三句呢?But the third?

再有就是元音。Third is the vowels.

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第三种是直觉。The third is intuiting.

他以二垒打使他进第三垒He doubled him to third.

我哭了三次。I cryed for third times.

第三步,翻本。The third step, Fan Ben.

是第三海水浴场。This is the third beach.

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“上下颠倒”排第三。“Upside-downy” is third.

第三个就是平摊风险。A third is sharing risks.

四等、三等、二等。Fourth, Third and Second.

所以她需要第三只手臂。So she needs a third arm.

第三个声部是什么What was the third voice?

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鲍勃·鲁普则有第三种看法。Bob Rupp has a third view.

第三点是分权制Third is decentralization.

他转向第三位母亲,“你嗜酒。He turned to the third mom.

三是严抓区队。Strict District Third Team.

从二挡换到叁挡。Change from second to third.

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神秘的第三大佛。Mistery of the Third Buddha.

所以片名原文才取作,“第三人。So here comes The Third Man.

三仙姑不敢答话。Third Fairy dared not reply.