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川普又对了。Trump is right again.

什么是她的王牌呀?What's her trump card?

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吊对手王牌。Draw your opponent's trump.

特朗普是个危险的傻瓜。Trump is a dangerous moron.

但是曲线美才是王牌。Curviness is the trump card.

迫西手出将牌,这很好。Good to put west to his trump.

唐纳德·特朗普添外孙女了。Donald Trump has a new grandchild.

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我打出一张主牌,赢了那一墩。I played a trump and won the trick.

这些好战的川普支持者。All these warmongering Trump supporters.

特朗普几乎是教科书式的煽动家。Mr Trump is almost a textbook demagogue.

特朗普戴着的红帽子是在中国制造的。The red hat Trump wore was made in China.

唐纳德特朗普和我因为债务变富。Donald Trump and I use debt to get richer.

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特朗普什么时候开始驱逐西语裔?When will Trump begin deporting Hispanics?

卡西奇小径胜过了近900名代表。Kasich trails Trump by nearly 900 delegates.

等候天使的号角吹响,恩主的声音临到。Oh trump of the angel! Oh voice of the Lord!

他带来的特朗普既是谴责又是模仿。His Trump is as much censure as impersonation.

用我这手牌很难打成三无将。It's hard to score three no trump with my hand.

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现在,他甚至为唐纳德·特朗普创作了一件作品。Now he has even created a piece for Donald Trump.

特朗普拿下的各州则持有306张选举人票。The states Mr. Trump won held 306 electoral votes.

创普说他就从来都没为他的对手而哭过。Trump said that he'd never cried for his opponent.