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在液体中出现蜡点或混浊。A waxy cloud or haze appears in the liquid.

此外,这些蜡质还可以防止耳内过于干燥。And the waxy oil keeps ears from getting too dry.

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石蜡是糯碳氢化合物、无异味。Paraffin is a waxy hydrocarbon, without any smell.

盘子里飘着黍子迷你香味的舂粑粑糯香!Plate Piaozhuo millet mini-Chung Baba waxy smell of incense!

她知道当这罐油脂凉下来时,它会形成蜡状固体。She knew that as it cooled, it would turn into a waxy solid.

比格尔说,排放的废气有一种轻微的石蜡气味。Bigger says the exhaust has a light waxy smell, like paraffin.

还讨论了糯小麦的改良和利用问题。Improvement and utilization of waxy wheat were also discussed.

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红管里白色蜡质物质,防止虫儿逃脱。The waxy surface in the red tube stops bugsfrom climbing free.

含蜡原油的流变性与其所经历的剪切历史有关。Flow properties of a waxy crude are influenced by shear history.

皮肤是轻,薄,以暗黄色,并顺利与蜡质角质层。The skin is thin, light to dark yellow and smooth with a waxy cuticle.

石蜡、棕榈蜡是石蜡油烃、无异味。Paraffin and palm oil Paraffin is a waxy hydrocarbon, without any smell.

在一个糯玉米加工厂里,天天工重复着剥玉米的动作。In a waxy corn processing plant, day workers are repeating the action of.

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食品厂用含蜡玉米淀粉生产透明粘性糊料。Food companies value the clear cohesive pastes produced from waxy maize Starch.

含蜡原油粘弹性起因于其内部形成的蜡晶结构。Viscoelasticity of waxy crude oil originated from the structure of waxy crystal.

冻伤的组织通常是不痛的,看起来象黄颜色的蜡一样。Frozen tissue is usually pain-free and appears waxy with a possible yellow color.

遗传分析表明,回复突变是显性突变。Genetic analysis indicated that induced waxy mutants reversion gene was dominant.

将黑糯玉米进行发芽处理后,采用湿法提取工艺制得淀粉。Corn starch was produced by wet-milling technology from germinated black waxy corn.

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里边是一种绿色的软膏,有蜡质的光泽,气味浓郁,而且经久不散。Inside was a green paste, waxy in lustre, the odour curiously heavy and persistent.

如果你不喜欢蜡质唇膏的质地或是粘粘的唇彩,我强烈推荐这个!If you hate the feeling of waxy lip balms or sticky glosses , I HIGHLY recommend it!

对糯玉米饮料的生产工艺及调配方法进行了研究。Studies have been undertaken on the processing and formulation of waxy maize beverage.