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我们是战无不胜的。We were invincible.

谷歌并非不可战胜。Google is not invincible.

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凡是正义的事业都是不可战胜的。A just cause is invincible.

这是一支无往不胜的军队。This is an invincible army.

人民的军队所向无前。The people's army is invincible.

学习会使你永远立于不败之地。Learning will make you invincible.

你是说东方不败真的死了?You mean Asia Invincible is dead ?

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他自认为自己是情场老手。I think he believes he is invincible.

你是无敌的大铁吊钳。You are the invincible big iron tongs.

我眼前的这支军队锐不可当。The army in front of me looks invincible.

正义的事业是任何敌人也攻不破的。A just cause is invincible before any enemy.

卓绝的博士丹·奥卡姆曾想到过这一点。Dan Occam thought of that, invincible doctor.

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这能够让你更加积极乐观和不可战胜。It makes you more active, positive and invincible.

水至清则无鱼,人至贱则无敌。To water-no fish, people are invincible and cheap.

这支足球队曾被誉为无敌的劲旅。This football team was once reputed to be invincible.

他看上去像个超人,一付不可战胜的架势。He looked like Superman and seemed just as invincible.

我们只知道他用的是一枝无坚不摧的金枪。We just know that he is using an invincible golden gun.

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当时第二次世界大战正在激烈地进行着,德军似乎是所向披靡。World War II was raging, and Germany seemed invincible.

方向键操作,可吃星星进入短时间无敌状态。Key operation, the stars eat into short invincible state.

人们排列在街的两旁向常胜将军欢呼。The people lined the street to hail the invincible general.