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那音乐有强烈的节奏。The music is strongly rhythmical.

诗歌缘于优美词汇的有节奏性组合,这个解释很新奇。Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words.

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他的音乐动听,有节奏感,和老卡的音乐风格神似。Catchy, rhythmical and not unlike the music of Karunesh.

这些表演都要按照特定的节奏和次序进行。All of these are performed rhythmical measured and orderly.

血压也是有节律的,需要四天时间才能得到重新调整。Blood pressure, which is also rhythmical , takes four days to readjust.

无聊引起的哭泣通常富有节奏感,夹杂啜泣和呜咽。The boredom cry is often rhythmical and also contains sobbing and moans.

所有的学生觉得那有节奏的鼓声令人非常兴奋。All the students found the rhythmical beating of the drums very exciting.

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有些群体的人通过集体有节奏的身体动作来表达强烈的感情。Some societies express strong feelings by means of collective rhythmical body movements.

英语作为表音语言,富有音乐性及韵律感。As a kind of typical phonetic language, English is rich in musical and rhythmical features.

唐望一句话也没说,只是有节奏地缓缓摇头,我感到非常难过。Don Juan did not say a word. He shook his head slowly in a rhythmical way. I felt terribly sad.

这使得打字过程更有趣,发笑,减轻压力,并有助于鼓励更多的有节奏的打字。This makes the process of typing more interesting, amuses, reduces stress, and helps encourage more rhythmical typing.

汉语诗歌节奏是对汉语自然节奏单位节拍群的分解,而节拍群主要是由音顿划分出来的。Thus, the rhythm of Chinese poetry has been formed by decomposing and combining the rhythmical groups in a regularly way.

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紧张对于游泳来说是不利的,我们希望开发一种平滑的,放松的,有节奏感的爬泳,但紧张感会阻止我们那样作。Tension is bad for your swimming. We want to develop a smooth, relaxed, rhythmical stroke and tension stops us doing that.

朝鲜民族舞蹈具有含蓄性律动特征、顿式和弹式律动特征,是最富有韵律感的民族舞蹈之一。As one of the most rhythmic ethnic dances, Korean dance is Characterized by its reserved, rhythmical and rebounding rhythms.

可是他们的法律却富有押韵和节奏,而且最早的语言融合也产生了。But their law picked up the alliterative and rhythmical fashions of the day, and the earliest forms of language mixture arose.

薇格曼的人发展出的一种按摩疗法,她是一位专业的医师,在学校里专修了理疗和按摩。Rhythmical Massage Therapy was developed in the 1920's by Dr Ita Wegman, a medical doctor schooled in physiotherapy and massage.

朦胧中我能听到马蹄的声音。我的身体不由自主地和马车的节奏摇晃了起来。I could hear the rhythmical clicking of the horse's hooves and my body was swaying in motion with the rocking of the wooden cart.

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这些动词的意思是表现类似心脏周期性扩张和收缩的重复有节奏的运动。These verbs mean to exhibit recurrent rhythmical movements of or like those involved in the periodic expansion and contraction of the heart.

香水河带给顺化市富涵思想、有节奏、有个性且悦耳清澈的散发出古老文化发源地的气息。This river brings to the city a thoughtful rhythmical individuality and the pleasant-sounding limpidity exhaling from a land of age-old culture.

唐代判牍采用骈体,文采绚烂,是中国古代法制史上判文中的一朵奇葩。Abundant in splendidness, the court verdicts of the Tang Dynasty takes the form of rhythmical prose style, a wonder in the Chinese ancient law history.