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他是一位老教授。He is an old professor.

教授坐了下来,无以对答。The professor sat down.

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我扮演教授的角色。In my role as professor.

我是史密斯教授。This is Professor Smith.

我想当一名教授。I want to be a professor.

他是艾格赫德教授。It was Professor Egghead.

我爸爸是一名教授。My father is a professor.

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人文学的教授。A professor of humanities.

你喜欢那个教授吗?Do you like the professor?

我看到了马登教授。I spotted Professor Maden.

王老师能醒过来吗?Can Professor Wang wake up?

心不在焉的教授。The absent-minded Professor.

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负责教授本门课程I'm professor of this course.

博恩斯教授说什么了?What did Professor Burns say?

苏珊与南锡在一起。We are talking to a professor.

然后我就给教授发了邮件,so I just emailed my professor

我想打电话给我的教授。I want to ring up my professor.

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难道是考古学方面的教授?Is the professor of archeology?

现在他是一名博学的教授。Now he was a learned professor.

邓教授曾传授我们很多知識。Professor Teng taught us a lot.