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顾客们可向肉铺买什麽?What can customers buy at the butchery?

在她看来,战争只不过是一种合法化的屠杀。In her view, war is simply a legalized form of butchery.

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后来,中国政府出面干预并禁止了现场屠杀。Then the Chinese government intervened and banned on-site butchery.

他们还将在屠宰场里上一节课,并可以在之后把屠宰好的肉买回家。They will also get a lesson in butchery and can later buy the meat to take home.

有技术的宰杀是一个胆大、心细,准确的使用刀的工作。Skilled butchery is a mixture of big, bold movements and detailed, precise knife-work.

所以暴力并不仅仅是以上帝之名、以社团或者国家之名,进行的有组织的屠杀。So violence isn't merely organized butchery in the name of God, in the name of society or country.

很残酷,屠割的手法与人们在旧石器时代宰杀鹿的方法类似。Crucially, the butchery was similar to that used by humans to cut up deer carcass in the early Stone Age.

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该购物中心位于一个工业区的上市,其中包括旧屠杀和水塔。The shopping centre is situated in a listed industrial area that includes an old butchery and water tower.

我震惊于麻木的好莱坞公司对如此优秀的电影进行了如此残酷的削割。I was horrified by the butchery the insensitive Hollywood company had perpetrated on this finely-crafted film.

博物馆的商店内含日常采买区,客人们可以那儿向真正的肉贩和烘焙坊购买东西。The museum shop includes a grocery section, where customers can purchase goods from a genuine butchery and bakery.

尼科尔森负责的是屠杀的部分,他还是少有的几个在工作中能拜访农场选择动物的人。Nicholson runs the butchery side, and is one of the few in the business still to visit farms to choose his animals.

店主麦德龙集团是使用RFID在屠宰,以保证新鲜度,提高客户的安全和有效地管理库存。Store owner METRO Group is using RFID in the butchery to guarantee freshness, increase customer safety and efficiently manage inventory.

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这双手似乎已渗透了来自屠宰业无数次宰杀的殷红血液,在热衷于肉食的地方,屠宰活动是乡村生活的一部分。They seemed ingrained with blood from the thousands of acts of butchery that are part of rural life in a land of enthusiastic meat-eaters.

就这个无耻的谎言﹐变成了当今许多总统和总理的口头禅﹐成为不要求停火的借口﹐他们的手上都沾满了昨夜大屠杀的鲜血。And every president and prime minister who repeated this mendacity as an excuse to avoid a ceasefire has the blood of last night's butchery on their hands.

在根本不熟悉的那片德国树林里遭到三昼夜的血腥屠戮,对于罗马来说,这是帝国无以复加的黑暗时刻,同时,它也助推了今天欧洲的形成。Three days of blood-soaked butchery in the unfamiliar forests of Germany culminated in one of the Roman Empire's darkest moments, and may have helped shape the Europe of today.

那座城市充满了奇怪的人,他们信仰者奇怪的神灵,有着奇怪的头发,那儿的奴隶穿着加穗的托卡,那里以嫖娼为美,屠杀为艺,而狗肉则是一道美食。It was a city of strange men with strange gods and stranger hair, of slavers wrapped in fringed tokars, where grace was earned through whoring, butchery was art, and dog was a delicacy.

为恐怖分子和极端分子提供资金,武器和战略指导的人也应该为阿富汗无辜的平民遭遇的残暴的屠杀负责。Those who provide terrorists and extremists with money, arms and strategic guidance are equally responsible for the continued killing and brutal butchery of innocent civilians in Afghanistan.

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强风会在北部刮起,带着沉重的烟雾和密集的尘土,它会把它们吹进他们的喉咙和眼睛,以致他们会在极大的恐惧中停止了他们的屠场,变得患病。A powerful wind will rise in the North, carrying heavy fog and the densest dust, and it will fill their throats and eyes so that they will cease their butchery and be stricken with a great fear.