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牧师骑着马向他走近一两步。The parson rode a step or two nearer.

牧师祈祷反对骄傲和犯罪。The parson prayed' gainst pride and sin.

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她的曾祖父是一个小乡村教堂的牧师。Her great-grandfather was a parson in a little country church.

不一会儿,他遇到了一个骑着一匹灰色母马的老牧师。Presently he was met by an elderly parson who rode on a gray mare.

他叫我穿上外衣,赶紧跑到吉默吞去请医生和牧师。He told me to put on my cloak and run to Gimmerton for the doctor and the parson.

请准备好在课堂上扮演那萨先生或帕森先生的角色。Be prepared to role-play the appraisal conversation in class as either Nasr or Parson.

视频中,帕森斯射杀了一头大象,而且还让一帮村民将象肉瓜分。In it, Parson shoots an elephant and lets a bunch of villagers make off with its flesh.

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那时快到睡觉的时候了,但是她却急忙跑到楼下,问要不要去请牧师。It was nearly bedtime, but she rushed downstairs and asked if she might send for the parson.

我是鹿脚路的考古学家特林汉姆牧师,我正在编写新的地方志。I am Parson Tringham, the antiquary, of Stagfoot Lane, and I amcompiling the new local history.

在那儿,他看到牧师跟他的教徒一样朴实,牧师也是农民,并不靠别人的劳动来享受。There he sees a parson as simple as his flock, a farmer who does not riot on the labour of others.

他往前刚走了一会儿,就有一个上年纪的牧师,骑着一匹灰色的骡马,一路信口哼着小调,迎着面儿走来。Presently he was met by an elderly parson stride on a gray mare, who, as he rode, hummed a wandering tune.

过了一会儿,有一个上了年纪的牧师,骑着一匹灰色的母马,用一种拿不准的语。Presently he was met by an elderly parson astride on a gray mare, who, as he rode, hummed a wandering tune.

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德贝维尔把信打开,信是好几个月以前写的,信后签的是克莱尔牧师的名字。D'Urberville opened the letter. It was dated several months before this time, and was signed by Parson Clare.

牧师这样把话说完以后,就骑着马走了,心里有些怀疑,该不该把这个多少有点奇怪的传说告诉他。Concluding thus the parson rode on his way, with doubts as to his discretion in retailing this curious bit of lore.

他承担着对于这个国家教区长捐献给南美洲传教士社团的关税,同时又住在downe这个小镇上。He took upon himself the duties of a country parson whilst living at Downe and contributed to the South American Missionary Society.

假如让梅的父母在第五大街款待卡弗莱一家,他们会引荐比牧师和家庭教师更有分量的人物。If May's parents had entertained the Carfrys in Fifth Avenue they would have offered them something more substantial than a parson and a schoolmaster.

在信的开头,写信人对德贝维尔的转变表示由衷的高兴,接着又感谢他的一片好意,就这个问题跟他通信。The letter began by expressing the writer's unfeigned joy atd'Urberville's conversion, and thanked him for his kindness in communicating with the parson on the subject.

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帕森说,他们首先分析了从头骨上刮下的碎屑中的遗传物质,之后将分析结果与已有的DNA样本进行对比,已有的DNA样本是2004年从莫扎特的外祖母和侄女的大腿骨上提取的。Parson say genetic material from scrapings from the skull was analyzed and compared to DNA samples gathered in 2004 from the thigh bones of Mozart's maternal grandmummy and a niece.

帕森说,他们首先分析了从头骨上刮下的碎屑中的遗传物质,之后将分析结果与已有的DNA样本进行对比,已有的DNA样本是2004年从莫扎特的外祖母和侄女的大腿骨上提取的。Parson said genetic material from scrapings from the skull was analyzed and compared to DNA samples gathered in 2004 from the thigh bones of Mozart's maternal grandmother and a niece.

博森将在不断研发创新的基础上,依靠其品质全程管理体系及强大研发能力和最先进的实验设备为中国及东南亚地区提供高性价比的工业粘合剂。Parson will base on the continuously innovation, relying on its entire management system and advanced laboratory equipment to provide high cost-effective for Chinese and South-east zone.