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理想就是航标。Ideal is the beacon.

理想是指路明灯。Ideal is the beacon.

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理想是指路明灯。Ideal is the beacon.

他放烽火。He beaconed up a beacon.

我向着第六个烽火台进发。I embarked toward the sixth beacon.

导航台摆动得很厉害。The beacon is fluctuated very badly.

飞机按照导航台旌旗灯号下降。The plane homed in on the radio beacon.

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高尚的理想是人生的指路明灯。In 12, a lofty ideal is a beacon of life.

在远处一座机场的灯标闪耀着。In the distance an airport beacon blinked.

信标必须安置在指定的着陆点。Beacon must be placed in the designated LZ.

这船被指定用来标志浅滩。The ship was assigned to beacon the shoals.

F103号飞机已按照无线电信号飞回基地了。Plane F103 has homed in on the radio beacon.

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阳关现在只是一个烽火台。The Yangguan Pass is Just a beacon tower now.

烽火台的用处在于传递军事信息。Beacon towers are built to pass military messages.

必肯峡谷的冰层,南极洲,1998。Maria Stenzel Beacon Valley Frost, Antarctica, 1998

大约二十分钟,才可以爬上一号烽火台。About twenty minutes, can climb up the beacon tower.

在同一时间内,只有一个目标可以被标记为圣光信标。Only one target can be the Beacon of Light at a time.

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我们是一束光,照亮父母们最黑暗的夜晚。We are a beacon of light in a parent's darkest night.

是啊,像在云遮雾罩的海峡中看见灯塔。“Yeah, like a beacon in a fog-bound channel, ” I said.

鲁德尼茨基将军是众多被放逐的波兰人精神上的引路人。General Rudnicki was a moral beacon for many exiled Poles.