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重新定义局部铣削的顶角。Redefine corners for local milling.

它帮助我们重新定义什么是可能的。It helps us redefine what is possible.

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让我为自己对爱情的见解下个定义。redefine my girlish notions of romance.

我们需要的是对性感进行重新定义。What we want is to redefine sexy completely.

但传媒公司必须重新定义其用途。But media companies have to redefine the use.

使用更简单的子问题重新定义答案。Redefine the answer in terms of a simpler sub-problem.

你可以用讯息来重新定义你的事业。You can redefine your career in terms of that message.

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我们仅仅重新定义需要修改其行为的方法。We only redefine the methods whose behavior we need to modify.

但是,这些项目已经开始重新定义人们对亚洲的看法。But these projects are starting to redefine what people mean by Asia.

重定义脆弱的内存模型这一领域的工作正在进行中。Work is underway to redefine areas of the memory model that are weak.

函数变成常数,无法给它们赋值或重定义它们。Functions become constants and you cannot assign to them or redefine them.

您可以在对象内像定义其他任何变量一样重新定义这些变量。You can redefine the variables in your object just like any other variable.

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这是一个切实可行的办法如果你是准备重新断言巨集。This is a practical approach if you're prepared to redefine the assert macro.

面对这个不争的事实,其实,我们或许应该重新定义选港姐的意义。Facing with such immutable verity, maybe, we should redefine its significance.

因此,联邦通讯委员会建议重新界定宽频电讯服务。So the F. C. C. proposes to redefine broadband as a telecommunications service.

冯契先生最大的贡献是对哲学史对象作了新的界说。The best contribution of Fengqi is to redefine the subject of history of philosophy.

介绍了箕斗改造后,制动油压重新确定的过程。This paper introduces the process of redefine brake oil pressure after skip improved.

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因此,我国民法有必要重新合理界定诉讼时效起算的标准。So Chinese Civil Law should redefine the standard of Litigation Prescription Starting.

在中国,人们在需要重新定义自己时会奋笔疾书。In China they wrote the most in the times when they most needed to redefine themselves.

如果他一定要坚持自己是小前锋的话,那么我们从他的身上,他的技巧中可以重新定义一下“小前锋”这个位置了。If he truly is a small forward as he insists, his skill set could redefine the position.