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安静是生命的皇冠。Quietude is the crown of life.

平静是生命的皇冠。quietude is the crown of life.

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休息吧,休息在肃静的灵里O rest, in utter quietude of soul

那建筑物的结构保证具有隐密性和宁静。The building structure insures privacy and quietude.

冥想的深度决定头脑的安静程度。Depth of meditation is the degree of quietude of mind.

与此同时,我们也失去了太多的快乐和宁静。At the same time, we have lost too much joyfulness and quietude.

如果你住在城市里,很难找到安静的地方。If you live in a city, it can be hard to find zones of quietude.

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如果你生活在城市,就很难找到安静的区域。If you live in a city, it can be hard to find zones of quietude.

清远就是清淡幽远的意境,就是清幽绝俗的艺术形象。Elegance means delicate and secluded mood of a literary work, artistic image of quietude and refinement.

让我们来探讨一下寻找生活中的平静的几种方法,体会寂静之声让你浮现出来的思考。Let’s take a look at some ways to find quietude in your life and see how the sound of silence can allow your thoughts to emerge.

陌生人心平气和地走进牢房,那态度倒和他自称的医生职业相称。The stranger had entered the room with the characteristic quietude of the profession to which he announced himself as belonging.

吉祥明珠则以“祥、祥和”为特色,用宝相花雍容华丽的美感,寓意“吉祥、幸福、平安”。Characterized by "peace", "Auspicious pearl" embodies luck, happiness and quietude by means of dignified and graceful composite flowers.

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因为随着结局的最后一个钟声打破你们所接受的存在所拥有的平静,你们必须要知晓你们的世界不再是原来的世界了。FOR AS THE STROKE OF FINALITY breaches the quietude of your accepted existence you must know that your world will never be the same again.

值得重视的是,那些具有最大胆的思想观点的人,对于外界的清规戒律也最能泰然处之。It is remarkable that persons who speculate the most boldly often conform with the most perfect quietude to the external regulations of society.

值得重视的是,那些具有最大胆的思想观点的人,对于外界的金科玉律也最能泰然处之。It is remarkable, that persons who speculate the most boldly often conform with the most perfect quietude to the external regulations of society.

现有的反算理论大多建立在弹性层状体系和拟静力分析方法的基础之上,忽略了路面材料应力应变非线性特性。Most back-calculation theories are based on the linear elastic layer system and quietude analysis method, which neglected the nonlinear peculiarity of the pavement material.

你瞧,眼睛是怎样亮起来,当它们见证到欢喜的光辉展现在想像缓慢的人脸上,缓慢时间的欢喜,赋予沉默安详的甜美未来。See how the eyes light up, witness the flash of joy across the face of one who imagines slowness—the joy of slowing time, imposing upon it a sweet future of silence and quietude.

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石头背后的精美传说。“织女之心”抛晶砖华彩演绎,居住精神的极致意义,让生活,平静如优美故事。The beauty legend is after stone. "The heart of Vega" porcelain crystal tiles deduct colorfully, the acme sense of spirit of inhabitation, making life quietude as the elegancy story.

其所接受的佛道思想主要是消极的一面,因而产生的影响也主要以追求闲静、避世为主。As a result, his creation of ideas was also affected by the two religions. He took the passive aspect of the religious ideas, so he mainly sought quietude and preferred to withdraw from society.

但是,我们却在不经意间遗漏了另外一种恐惧——没有期待、无需付出的平静,其实是在消耗生命的活力与精神。Nevertheless, unintentionally we fail to keep count of another horror, the quietude that dispenses with any expectation and effort, and we are wearing away actually the vigor and spirit of life.