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我只能把它揉成一团,扔掉!I just crumple it up and throw it away.

当心不要因收放粗心压纵你的衣服。Take care not to crumple your dress by packing it carelessly.

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将报纸弄皱攒成球状,把它们和劈柴放在一起。Crumple a few sheets into balls and place them in with piles of kindling.

揉皱一页烹调用纸,再拉平它,然后放在锅上。Crumple a sheet of cooking paper, flatten it, and then place it over the pan.

我感觉自己就象一张薄饼被乱七八糟的乱揉着。I feel I elephant a thin pancake drive a hideous mess of crumple indiscriminately.

政客推出的特许状几乎没有人愿意接受—因而最终会面临崩溃的局面。The politicians' charter will find few or no takers, then—and will eventually crumple.

政客推出的特许状几乎没有人愿意接受受—因而最终会面临崩溃的局面。Thee politicians' charter will find few or no takers, then—and will eventually crumple.

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你抢一个边缘,他们根据自己的体重崩溃和揉碎。You grab them on one edge and they kind of collapse and crumple under their own weight.

由之诱发的沙三段中下部泥质岩层段局部塑性揉皱。It also induced local plastic crumple of the shale in middle to lower part of Shasan group.

街谈巷闻泼妇虚拟中,软肋疼痛红颜轻轻揉。The street talk a lane to smell a virago conjecture in the soft rib ache beauty lightly crumple.

他心疼地揉抚着她用力砸门的手,细心安抚。He heartache floor crumple to fondle she makes an exertion to hit a door of hand, decoration pacifies.

最棘手的部分是确保碳纳米管不会失去它们的形状和模板时弄皱解散。The tricky part is ensuring the nanotubes don't lose their shape and crumple when the template is dissolved.

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就像一副巨大的七巧板,欧洲逐渐一片一片的拼接成形,每一次的碰撞都形成庞大的褶皱区。Like a giant jigsaw puzzle, Europe was gradually assembled piece by piece. Each impact created enormous crumple zones.

我们用小米加步枪,打败了日本鬼子,打垮了国民党美式装备,靠的是什么?We add musket with millet, defeated Japanese devil, crumple up Kuomintang beautiful type equips, what is those who lean?

柳永扯着林媚的手,连巾子一起探进自己怀里,在胸口处揉来擦去的。Always pulls Lin Mei's hand and connects towel son to explore into oneself's bosom together and crumple to wipe in the chest go to of.

心又浸到了浴缸底下,叶萧用力揉着太阳穴,后背心已满是冷汗。The heart immersed bathtub again underneath, leaf Xiao makes an effort to crumple a temple, empress vest already full is a cold sweat.

你甚至可以把它们贴在冰箱上时刻提醒你这些生活中的敌人.I personally like to crumple it up and stomp on it, but you can do whatever you like. Post it on your fridge as a reminder of your enemy.

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钢缆抗冲装置只是奥迪车众多安全特征之一,前抗冲区和侧保护杆均可减少事故中的冲击力。Procon-ten is just one of Audi's safety features. Front crumple zones and side-protection bars reduce the impact of the force of an accident.

然而,有时我们也能利用塑性变形。汽车上压皱的区域在它们断裂前通过经历塑性变形来吸收能量。However, sometimes we can take advantage of plastic deformation. The crumple zones in a car absorb energy by undergoing plastic deformation before they break.

约有5000人在地震发生后的几秒钟内就被建筑物砸死——见到建筑物像纸片一样坍塌时,日本工程师既惊且愧。About 5,000 people died in the first few seconds of the quake, crushed by buildings that Japanese engineers were amazed – and ashamed – to see crumple like cards.