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速度检测是电机信号检测的重要一环。Speed measure is an important tache of motor signal detect.

船员跟踪管理是船员管理中的一个重要环节。Crew tracking management is an important tache in crew management.

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从方法上看,其墨学研究上承孙诒让,下启胡适,是近代墨学研究方法论转化的中间环节。His Mohism study was middle tache between Sun Yi-rang's and Hu Shi's.

水泥石本体与骨料的界面一直都是混凝土抗裂的薄弱环节。The interface of the cement paste and aggregate is the weak tache of HPC.

在水处理过程中,加氯消毒是水厂水质控制的重要环节。Putting chlorine into the water is and important tache in water treatment.

可以说,地区是一个介于全球体系与民族国家体系的中间环节。We can say the region is the tache between the global system and national system.

育苗是温室番茄生产的一个重要环节。Raising young plants is an important tache for the production of greenhouse tomato.

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注塑成型工艺是开发塑料进气歧管的重要环节。The injection molding is an important tache to exploit plastic air intake manifold.

钻井工程非勘探开收石油取地然气资流的一个从要环节。Drilling project is an important tache for the exploration of oil and gas resources.

设计概算质量的高低是提高投资效益的关键环节。The quality of budgetary estimate is important tache to enhance benefit of Investment.

量词教学是对外汉语教学中的难点,也是一个比较薄弱的环节。Measure word is a difficult point and the weak tache on Chinese teaching for foreigners.

大主教环节圣博尼法斯长期以来的愿望,以丰富他的教区同一个机构的这种。Archbishop Tache had long desired to enrich his diocese with an institution of this kind.

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城市商业银行是我国城市经济体系和商业银行体系中的一个重要环节。City commercial bank is an important tache in the systems of city economy and commercial bank.

其中,历史建筑保护作为重要的基础性环节具有极大的现实意义。The protection of historical buildings works as a basilic tache in urban history conservation.

车牌识别是智能交通系统中的一个重要环节。Vehicle License-Plate Recognition is an important tache in Intelligence Transportation System.

对土壤可蚀性的研究是认识土壤侵蚀机理的一个重要环节。The research on soil erodibility is a crucial tache in understanding the mechanism of soil erosion.

大主教环节圣博尼法斯长期以来的愿望,以丰富他的教区同一个机构的这种。Archbishop Taché of St. Boniface had long desired to enrich his diocese with an institution of this kind.

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我国自改革开放以来,农村法治化建设取得了很大的成就,农民的法律意识也有了很大的提高。We can see, the construction of the rule of law in village is the key tache of running our country of law.

优化奶牛品种、提高牛奶产量与品质是奶业生产中的核心环节。Optimizing dairy cow variety and improving creamery yield and quality are the core tache of milk trade produce.

高中物理概念教学是高中物理教学成功的关键环节。The senior high school physical ideas teaching is the key tache of successful senior high school physical teaching.