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你穿婚礼服真漂亮。To clothe or robe, as in ecclesiastical vestments.

圣埃奇米阿津神学院也建在这里。Ecclesiastical Academy of Holy Etchmiadzin is also here.

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另外,基督教的“春分”通常是3月21日。The ecclesiastical "vernal equinox" is always on March 21.

因此,我们决定开始与升迁到教会尊严。We have therefore decided to begin with preferment to ecclesiastical dignities.

黑色在那时受到神职人员的青睐,是权威的象征。The color black, the preference of ecclesiastical leaders,was a symbol of authority.

他维护教宗权力,并建立罗马教宗有统治教会事务的权力。He maintained papal authority and established Roman primacy in ecclesiastical affairs.

是那想要殉道的忏悔神父吗,还是教会官方任命的主教?The confessor,the martyr type figure, or the ecclesiastical official figure of the bishop?

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他的官方主教权威,仅限于安提阿及周边地区。His actual official ecclesiastical authority as bishop was only in Antioch and its environs.

直到教会法庭听到你的上诉,我相信你会马上准备的。Until the Ecclesiastical Court can hear your appeal, which I am sure you will forthwith file.

教会和行政上的事务无法从传统社会组织中分离开来。Ecclesiastical or political matters cannot be separated from the traditional fabric of the society.

让他们都去关注统治根基和准则,不论是教会的还是世俗的。Let them all become attentive to the grounds and principles of government, ecclesiastical and civil.

仅仅教士自身放弃暴力和掠夺以及所有迫害的方式还是不够的。It is not enough that ecclesiastical men abstain from violence and rapine and all manner of persecution.

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其含意是,主日作为基督徒敬拜的日子只属于教会的权柄。The implication is that the Lord's Day as the day of Christian worship is of ecclesiastical authority only.

他是被枢机主教委员会,一个在教会权威方面仅次于教宗的团体所推选。He is elected by the College of Cardinals, who as a group rank next to the Pope in ecclesiastical authority.

因此教会纪律,与一个统一的教会管理机构便成为僧权必不可缺之物。Church discipline and a unified ecclesiastical government were therefore essential to the power of the clergy.

他不突出政治事件,因为工作是在萨穆埃尔和国王,而是要教会机构。He does not give prominence to political occurences , as is done in Samuel and Kings, but to ecclesiastical institutions.

黎巴嫩有18个正式的宗教组织,他们的教会和人口统计模式极其复杂。There are 18 officially recognised religious groups. Their ecclesiastical and demographic patterns are extremely complex.

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该书卷自被发现以来便备受争议,因为它给教会文学提供了一个相对立的思考点。They offer a counter-point to accepted ecclesiastical literature, and have been controversial ever since their discovery.

在所有这些人、教会和运动当中,神选择在他们狭隘的教会范围以外祝福他们。In all these men, institutions, and movements God chose to favor them outside of their narrow ecclesiastical constituencies.

教皇教廷或法院,改组和大规模扩大,成为该中心的教会财务及行政。The papal curia or court, reorganized and massively expanded, became the center of ecclesiastical finance and administration.