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他的肚子上挨了一击,一时喘不过气来。He was momentarily winded by the blow to his stomach.

但须方寸随时守所守。Only want the square inch momentarily defends defends.

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以至于不被觉察,但又忽而呈现。With as for is not detected, but momentarily present again.

结果就拍下了这张水暂时“冻结”的照片。The result is a picture of a momentarily frozen log of water.

内装防爆专用单极瞬时启动灯管,能快速瞬时启动。Inner explosion-proof single-pole can be started up momentarily.

当他走出地铁时,他暂时迷失了方向。When he came up out of the subway,he was momentarily disoriented.

我刚才在一个铁衫树篱笆围绕的水塘边,看见一只鹧鸪和一只知更鸟。I momentarily saw a partridge and a robin by a hemlock-hedged pond.

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相反,它是股潜在之火,可以很快燃烧起来。Rather, it's a potential fire that flashes up momentarily within us.

手表反射的太阳光让他有一霎那的失明。He was momentarily blinded by the reflection of the sun off his watch.

孩子们吓得怔住了,一时间不敢说话。The startled boys were frozen with fear and momentarily afraid to speak.

科瑞娜毫无觉察,但在被电击的部位,脑部功能已经被暂时抑制了。Corina feels nothing, but function is momentarily inhibited in that spot.

它是唯一让我一时语塞、找不到合适答案的问题。It was the only one that momentarily stumped me for an appropriate answer.

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当被迫谈到这个问题时,这位本田总裁似乎立刻变得不太自在。When pressed on this point, Honda's chief looks momentarily uncomfortable.

她的家人走进餐厅,艾薇塔稍稍落在后面一点。As her family proceeded into the dining room, Ivetta lagged momentarily behind.

对不起,我需要接听别的线路的电话。您是否介意稍等片刻?I'm sorry, I need to answer the other line. Would you mind holding momentarily?

当他吐气时,他的眼睛立刻消失在大麻的烟雾中。When he breathed out his eyes disappeared momentarily behind a haze of hashish.

点触式按压测试电门可以启动自检诊断常规程序。Momentarily pressing the test switch initiates the self-test diagnostic routine.

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这种亮光可以使飞行员在瞬间致盲,卡汝郡时报报告说。The bright light can momentarily blind pilots, the Carroll County Times reports.

他没出声,但这个假想让他激动,因为莫伊拉说的是对的。He was quiet, but the idea had momentarily thrilled him, because Moira was right.

我窃笑着,但去研究生院的主意只是那么一会儿对我有吸引力。我既害怕离开。I snicker, but the idea is momentarily appealing. Part of me is scared of leaving.