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那是她的特点。That was her trait.

这是他不变的特质This was a constant trait.

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你多久会展现出这种特质一次?How often do you show this trait?

笑是人类普遍共有的特征。Humans have this universal trait.

圣道如何成为基督教会的特征?How is the Word a trait of His church?

具有顽固性和复发性的特点。The trait is stubborn and recuperative.

这种品质也会为你赢得尊敬。This trait will earn you respect as well.

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在显示这一特质方面你有选择吗?Do you have a choice in showing this trait?

这让他成为了一个很优秀的调解人。This trait makes him an excellent mediator.

那种家风是由父亲传给儿子的。That family trait is handed on from father to son.

那种家风是父子相传的。That family trait is handed on from father to son.

实验分别对SRB和CSB的培养及特性进行了研究。The culture and trait of SRB and CSB were studied.

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这个品质对应与节欲的情感反应。This trait is the emotional analogue of temperance.

罗莎莉真正意义上最显著的个人特质是她的美貌。Rosalie's true defining personal trait is her beauty.

各性状的QTL数目有较大的差异。The number of QTLs for each trait is quite different.

移情作用曾经一度被认为是人类的专利。Empathy was once thought to be a uniquely human trait.

研究人员将此称为“自然发生特质转移”。Researchers call this "spontaneous trait transference."

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本病作为常染色体显性传递。This disorder is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait.

可是如果这种性格太烦人,那就终结友谊。If, though, this trait is too annoying, end the friendship.

当他们长大后则倾向于继承父母的强控制欲。The children will also likely grow up to inherit this trait.