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难道她是个小狼精吗?Is it a werewolf child?

我正在和狼人约会,我是在怪物网上认识他的。I am dating a werewolf . I met him on Monster . com!

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赖瑞杀死狼人,但在战斗中被咬。Larry kills the werewolf but is bitten during the fight.

他是个狼人他第一次抓到我时差点就杀了我!The guy's a werewolf. He'd kill me the first chance he got!

它们中的爪妹·狼,是一个用蜡除腿毛的狼人。One of them, Clawdeen Wolf, is a werewolf who waxes her legs.

芬里尔·格雷伯克或许是当今世上最凶残的狼人。Fenrir Greyback is, perhaps, the most savage werewolf alive today.

亚隆遭遇狼人追杀,前来王宫劝姐姐妲已离开此地。Yalom suffered werewolf kill, came to the palace to her sister has left here.

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看来和本季即将上演的巫师大战一样,我们还有一场狼人争斗可以期待。Guess we'll be getting a werewolf showdown as well as a witch war this season.

最后,在青春期后的某一天,年幼的狼人即将阅历他的第挨次蜕变。Finally some time after adolescence a young werewolf undergoes his First Change.

他们的盟友几乎都不在狼人一族之中。More information on the Stargazers can be found in the Werewolf Storytellers Companion.

狼人综合症极其罕见,在过去300年里,只有50个案例记录在案。Werewolf syndrome is extremely rare, with only 50 recorded cases in the past 300 years.

一个能够杀害一般人的枪伤看待狼人来说只是带来点烦琐。相比看人与兽电影。A gunshot wound that would kill a common human can be nothing more than a hbumle to a werewolf.

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狼人是一种虚构的半人半狼兽,它只能被银弹杀死。A werewolf is a make-believe half-man, half-wolf beast that can only be killed by a silver bullet.

任何的狼人都可以与他们共同生活,但是现代城市是如此的寒冷而怪异、空旷而贫瘠。Any werewolf can try to live among them, but modern cities are cold and alien places, vast and sterile.

我真不知道哪个年轻女孩必须得在狼人和吸血鬼两个里面选个男朋友。I don't actually know any teenage girls who have had to make the choice between a werewolf and a vampire.

也许围绕经典的吸血鬼和狼人的故事给满月蒙上了一层负面的阴影。Perhaps such negative experiences surrounding the full moon are the basis of classic vampire and werewolf stories.

狼人是指人在月圆之夜变身成凶残可怕的狼一样的动物。A werewolf is a human being who, upon the complete rising of the full moon, turns into a fearsome and deadly near-wolf.

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‘吸血鬼猎人,鬼魂终结者,妖精斗士,狼人杀手,警方的顾问,地狱军团的死敌。’‘Vampire slayer, ghost remover, faerie fighter, werewolf exterminator, police consultant, foe of the footsoldiers of Hell.’

这么的事时常是压力或许外伤领导的,这将会导致疑惑的幼狼人猛力殴打那个危害他的家伙。This event is often brought on by stress or trauma leading the confused young werewolf to lash out at whatever is hurting him.

之前有爆料说由于在第四季中狼人Alcide将会迎来一位新主人Raoul,所以他不能自由的对Sookie表达自己的爱意。As previously teased, this werewolf Raoul may not be free to cozy up to Sookie on season four because a new master will come on board.