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理论上你现在应该开始感到浑身干燥难忍了。I know you get desiccation in theory, Stefan.

第二个时期包括种子的成熟、后脱落和干化。Stage II involves maturation, post-abscission and desiccation.

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前言微波干燥是近年来被广泛应用的一项新技术。Microwave desiccation is a new technique and is widely used in recent years.

芽孢能抗干燥并且有很多普通的消毒方法。Spores normally resist desiccation and have many ordinary procedures of disinfection.

在欧洲,对尸体进行干燥与保存是西西里专属的特色。In Europe the desiccation and preservation of corpses is a particularly Sicilian affair.

在临床上,干燥保存角膜有可能作为穿透角膜移植材料应用。It is possible on penetrating keratoplasty with preserved corneas by desiccation in clinical use.

以酿酒葡萄品种“神索”的体细胞胚为试验材料,研究了干化对体细胞胚的保存效应。The effects of desiccation on the preservation of the somatic embryo from wine grapevine Sinsaut were studied.

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由于顽拗性种子不耐脱水且对低温敏感,常规保存方法难以达到长期保存的目的。Being sensitive to desiccation and low temperature, the recalcitrant seeds can not be stored with conventional methods.

土壤干化已成为这一地区人工植被建设的严重隐患。The soil desiccation has become seriously potential danger of the construction of artificial vegetation in tills region.

本文综述了顽拗性种子的生理行为,分类及与生态因子的关系。In this article, the developmental characteristics of recalcitrant seeds and its sensitivity to desiccation are summarized.

同时,还对提取物的浓缩干燥工艺、成型工艺进行研究,确定痛风宁颗粒剂的制备工艺。We also studied on the inspissation and desiccation technology, and find out the preparation method of the granule finally.

屠申泽干涸后湖盆受西北强烈干燥气流及沙漠流沙的侵袭,迅速沙漠化。After dr ied up, the Tushenze lake basin desertificated rapidly because it was invaded by desiccation airflow and quicksand.

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本文介绍了压缩空气干燥的一种新方法及其原理,若能推广使用,节能效果比较明显。This article introduces a new desiccation process of compressed air, with evident effect of energy saving and its principle.

由于非洲大地上的乾旱趋势不变,人类仰赖的食用植物资源,种类与数量都受到限制。The continued desiccation of the African landscape limited the amount and variety of edible plant foods available to hominids.

通过秋季和初冬,野外采集幼虫后天明显增强抵挡干燥和冻结。Through the autumn and early winter, field-collected larvae acquired markedly enhanced resistance to desiccation and freezing.

线虫施用技术、生活习性及搜索方式直接影响其侵染力。Applying techniques pest search strategies and desiccation tolerance of epns were influence factors for sieging pests in field.

苜蓿具有强烈的耗水性能,导致半湿润区苜蓿草地发生干燥化,草地退化较为严重。Due to its strong consumption of soil water, soil desiccation and grassland degradation happened quite frequently at this zone.

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线虫施用技术、生活习性及搜索方式直接影响其侵染力。Applying techniques, pest search strategies and desiccation tolerance of EPNs were influence factors for sieging pests in field.

矿井水强烈持续抽排,导致土壤趋于干化并产生相应的生态环境问题。Continuous pump drainage of water in coal mine results in the desiccation of soil and therefore the related ecological problems.

这个大小可以代表第二层壳沉积或棉桃开裂干涸前棉纤维本来的大小。This large size may represent the initial size of the fiber before secondary-wall deposition or fiber desiccation upon boll opening.