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结论IVIG治疗儿童GBS是一种安全有效的方法。Conclusion IVIG therapy is safe and efficacious to children with GBS.

整个展场,气氛最热烈的当属湖南广播影视集团和青海省的展区。The exhibiting sites of GBS & Qinghai province proved the most popular.

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方法对158例格林-巴利综合征患者的临床治疗进行回顾性分析。Methods The clinical treatments of 158 GBS patients were retrospectively analyzed.

1976年,美国使用的猪流感疫苗造成十万分之一的病例。Swine flu vaccines used in the US in 1976 resulted in one case of GBS per 100, 000.

如果你有一台IPOD播放器和好几GB的空闲空间的话,在其中安装一部维基百科也是个不错的选择。If you have an iPod and couple of GBs of spare space you can also install Wikipedia right onto it.

确定我们知道,谷歌是技嘉国王,并为它的每一项服务的存储空间金紫荆星章。Ok we know that Google is the Gigabyte king and provides GBs of storage space for each of its services.

从未肯定地确认为什么与这种特定疫苗相关联形成了格林-巴利综合征。The reason why GBS developed in association with that specific vaccine has never been firmly established.

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我不认为这些晶界做咨询工作,我们要勤于与可自由支配的开支。I don't think these GBs are doing Consulting work, and we need to be diligent with Discretionary spending.

使用GBS软件估计育种值、构建综合选择指数、分析遗传进展。Using GBS soft to estimate breeding values, to construct Aggregate selection index and to do genetic analysis.

许多疫苗和格林巴利综合征有联系,但一直没有因果关联性结论。There are many vaccines have temporal association with GBS. But causal association between them is not concluded.

而当驻留滑移带能够连续穿过小角度晶界时,则不产生位错塞积和萌生沿晶界疲劳裂纹。However, low-angle GBs do not produce fatigue cracks because the dislocations can be transferred through the GBs by PSBs.

从该疾病的患病概率上看,接种了疫苗的人群与未接种疫苗人群的患病概率基本相同。In people who have been immunized with available vaccines, the frequency of GBS usually is the same as in unvaccinated people.

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为此,ViaSat正在努力使标准的JIPM能够同时作为两路调制解调器和全球广播服务接收器。As part of that move, ViaSat is working to enable the standard JIPM to simultaneously operate as a two-way modem and GBS receiver.

方法对3例合并CNS脱髓鞘病变的GBS患者的临床及实验室资料进行分析。Methods 3 cases GBS combined with demyelinating neuropathy in CNS were observed clinically and the datum of laboratory were analysed.

方法对青州市242例GBS患儿进行回顾性流行病学调查、临床观察、免疫学检测及微量元素检测。Methods The investigators made clinical observation on the 242children with GBS and made a epidemiological retrospective investigation.

近期无B族溶血性链球菌培养检查阴性的患者产时还应给予抗生素治疗,预防链球菌移行感染。Antibiotic prophylaxis for possible GBS colonization should be given during labor in the absence of a documented, recent negative GBS culture.

结论PNF配合电针疗法可以减少GBS患者残疾程度,提高生活自理能力。Conclusion PNF combined electrical acupuncture therapeutics can alleviate GBS patients' degree of disability and increase their self-care ability.

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除非明确列明,否则中鑫证券将不会从曲奇档案或其他方面搜集任何可认定本网站使用者身份之个人资料。GBS will not collect any personal data that identifies a visitor or user to this Website from cookies or other sources, unless specified otherwise.

含粉煤灰-硅灰或矿渣-硅灰的不同组合的混凝土的劈拉强度与抗压强度的比值为0.063~0.066。The ratio of split tensile strength to compressive strength of concretes containing different combinations of FA and SF or GBS and SF were 0.063 to 0066.

结论从冷冻蚀刻电镜角度认为经典型GBS主要累及施万细胞和髓鞘。Conclusion Our subcellular study may confirm further the main lesion of GBS in the Schwann cells and myelin sheaths from the viewpoint of biomembranous pathology.