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你什么时候去补考数学?When are you going to resit maths?

她下学期得补考数学。She has to resit her maths exam next term.

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于是她尽力克服困难参加补考,重修学业。She managed to resit her exams and pick up her degree course.

虽然她决心补考,但“上帝妄想”又不期而至。Although she was determined to resit the exams, "God" intervened.

根据当时的逻辑,一个人只要坚强到足以抵抗甜食,就可以维持苗条。If only one was strong enough to resit sweets, according to logic of the time, one could stay thin.

她穿着和服、席地而坐,捧着酒壶。请君喝一杯吧,如何能够拒绝?She wears kimono and sits on the ground, holding a whine pot. How could you resit temptation not to drink with her and for her ?

使得制动片具有稳定的摩擦性能、制动灵敏、耐高温、噪声小、使用安全,寿命长及环保的特点。Also these environment-friendly brake pads can resit high temperature while producing little noise, and is safe to use and long durability.

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根据课程大纲的内在联系,您第一次参加战略级的考试需要同时报考三门。没有通过可以逐门补考。Due to the integrated nature of the syllabus, you must sit all three Strategic level take exams together at your first attempt. You may resit in any order.

如球员经纪人未在执照颁布日期的五年内递交关于重新参加考试的书面申请,其执照将自动暂停使用。If the players’agent does not send a written application to resit the exam within five yearsof the date of issue of the licence, his licence shall be automaticallysuspended.

上周末进行的考研中,报考北京大学社会学系的100多名考生的专业课试卷出现错误。北大已决定在2月9日重考出错科目。As wrong test papers appeared in last weekend's post-graduate entrance exam, 100-plus applicants to the sociology department of Peking University will resit an exam at February 9.

球员经纪人应依据第五条规定,向有关协会递交书面申请,以在执照到期前重新参加考试。The players’ agent shall send a written applicationto the relevant association to resit the exam before the date on which hislicence is due to expire, in accordance with article 5 above.