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而司马樨对前尘往事俱已忘却。But Sima Xi had forgot all the past.

江州司马叫不醒,叫得庐山分一觥。Jiangzhou Sima not wake, scream Lushan priced Gong.

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父亲的教育让司马光受益终生。Father r's education to benefit Sima Guang lifetime.

爱奇是司马迁创作心态的主要特征之一。The remarkable is Sima Qian's one of the dominant feature.

司马温公,倒有破瓮救儿之谋。Sima Wengong, pours has the broken jar to rescue the stratagem.

司马光离开了传统的使用在中国史学。Sima Guang left the traditional usage in Chinese historiography.

第二章,司马光诗歌的思想内容。Chapter Two describes the ideological content of Sima Guang's poems.

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司马迁把这一历史性的壮举形象地描绘为“凿空”。Sima Qian visualized this feat as blazing the path into the west regions.

南宋时期,司马樨携妻文秀拜访岳父母。In Southern Song Dynasty, Sima Xi took his wife Wenxiu to visit her parents.

圣人发布了一些检测报告和照片。但罪人们说那是假的。And St. Sima issued some bulletins and pictures. The sinners said that's fake.

司马迁赞赏慨然赴死的勇气,但反对随意地放弃生命。Sima admires to die a martyr's death but not to give up one's life carelessly.

司马先生好帅。每天看到他真使上班有意思。Mr. Sima is so handsome. Seeing him every day really makes it worth going to work.

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父亲要求司马光把核桃仁是怎样剥出来的真实情况讲给姐姐听。The father asked Sima Guang to tell the truth about how the walnut was peeled off.

一个秋天的下午,司马光捡来很多核桃让姐姐帮他把皮剥掉。An autumn afternoon, Sima Guang picked up a lot of walnut peel let sister to help him.

这样,核桃壳一下就掉了,她把一个完整的核桃仁交给司马光。In this way, the walnut shell fell off, she gave a complete walnut kernel to Sima Guang.

研究结果在司马矿1101工作面的开采试验中得到了验证。This result were validated at the mining experiment in Sima Coal Mine 1101 working face.

司马先生说,中国还没有为个人自由做好准备,中国不适于搞一人一票制度。Mr Sima says that China is not ready for personal freedom, nor suited to one man, one vote.

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潘炎,礼部侍郎,坐刘晏婿,贬澧州司马。诗一首。Pan Yan, Libu assistant minister, sitting Liu Yan husband, derogatory Li Zhou Sima. Write a poem.

南宋时期,司马樨携妻文秀拜访岳父母,居西泠。In Southern Song Dynasty, Sima Xi took his wife Wenxiu to visit her parents, whose home in Xiling.

这一“整体战略”决定了司马迁叙述历史之“眼光”、谋篇布局之“笔法”。The strategy also helped to shape Sima Qian's point of view in narration and style in textual layout.