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被诅咒的人是残忍的。The cursed are cruel.

路易吉喊着,诅咒着。Luigi shouted and cursed.

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乞丐大声咒骂。The beggar cursed loudly.

我讨厌这种该死的冷天。I hate this cursed cold weather.

他们的受诅咒,神崇拜者。Cursed are they, the god adorers.

受到他的诅咒变得一样邪恶。He cursed me to be as wicked as he.

这就是学生们诅咒的原因所在。This is why students have cursed it.

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我们这些陷入单恋的人呢?We are the cursed of the loved ones.

夏洛特心里暗骂“笨蛋”。", "Idiot", Charlotte cursed inside.

你所咒诅的无花果树,已经枯干了。The fig tree you cursed has withered!

巫医念了咒语想叫我家的牛遭殃。The witch-doctor has cursed our cattle.

宿舍每个人都大骂芙蓉姐姐。Everyone cursed dormitory Sister Furong.

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科尼尔咒骂着扔下无线收音机。Kearney cursed and threw down his radio.

龟井也出现了,大骂士兵。Mr Kamei also appeared, cursed soldiers.

他生气的时候见谁骂谁。When angry, he cursed everyone in sight.

17你的筐子和你的抟面盆都必受咒诅。Cursed shall be thy basket and thy store.

我咒骂了她一下紧接着朝前骑去。I cursed her one time then I rode on ahead.

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由于艾里森的诅咒,约翰·劳病倒了。John law was ill because Alizon cursed him.

在那个时候他们常常挨骂。They were fre-quently cursed in those days.

含的行为有何可责之处?为何是迦南受咒诅?What wrong has Ham done? Why is Canaan cursed?