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他有剪过头发吗?。Has he had a haircut?

他理了一个很酷的发型。He got a cool haircut.

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那个店理一个头要十元。That's a good haircut.

他们剪了自己的头发。They got their haircut.

他应该剪剪头。He should have a haircut.

你觉得这个发理得怎么样?How do you like the haircut?

选择的棕色要和发型相配。Match your brown to your haircut.

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没人能取代我剪头发。Nobody can get my haircut for me.

去理个发还是得到一个合适的工作?Getting a haircut or a proper job?

当他问我是否也想要剪头发时,我拒绝了。He asked me if I wanted a haircut.

凭这张卡,他可以免费理一次发。He can get a free haircut with it.

还没有。我只想理发。No, not yet. I just want a haircut.

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获得一次按摩、足疗或理发。Get a massage, pedicure, or haircut.

男孩的发型是纯粹的彼得潘式。The boy's haircut is pure Peter Pan.

你需要去理发室剪头发。You need a haircut at a beauty shop.

理个发要收多少钱?How much do you charge for a haircut?

我想理发和修面。I want a haircut and a shave, please.

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她甚至会留一个像邦妮.弗勒那样的发型。She even had a haircut like Fuller’s.

他到理发馆理了发。She teased him into getting a haircut.

只有我能经历我剪头发一事。I'm the only one who can get my haircut.