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“好”是“坏”的反义词。Good' is the antonym of 'bad'.

“痛苦”是“快乐”的反义词。"Happy" is an antonym of "sad".

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“痛苦”是“快乐”的反义词。"Pain" is the antonym of "pleasure".

原告是被告的反义字。Plaintiff is an antonym of defendant.

原告是被告的反义词。Plaintiff is an antonym of defendant.

给出这个词的同义词和反义词。Give the synonym and antonym of this word.

临时的反义词是永久的。"Temporary" is the antonym of "permanent".

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请说出这个词的同义词和反义词。Please give a synonym and antonym for this word.

在这个意义上,力比多的反义词是死亡本能。In this sense, the antonym of libido is destrudo.

"背叛"的反义词是"忠诚"或"效忠"。The antonym of ‘betrayal’ is ‘loyalty’ or ‘allegiance.’

同义词和反义词关系也是对称关系。Synonym and antonym relations are symmetric relationships as well.

英语反义词是一种词汇意义相对、相反的词。In English, antonym is a word that is contrary in meaning to another.

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听句子,写出你所听到的句子中的形容词的反义词。Listen and write the antonym of the adjective in the sentence you hear.

学习新词的反义词也可以扩展你的词汇量。Learning an antonym for each new word can help you increase your vocabulary.

不要担心语法、同义词、反义词或你用词的顺序。Don't worry about the syntax, the synonym, the antonym or the order that you're using.

因为术语不能为自己的反义词,按定义反义词不能为反射性。An antonym by definition cannot be reflexive, because a term cannot be its own opposite.

单音词系统的变化和调整主要包括同义词系统和反义词系统的变化。The change of the system of monosyllable includes the change of the system of synonym and antonym.

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反义复词由反义词组词化而来,其源头是成对单音反义词。The antonymous compound word comes directly from the phrase of antonym, and its source head is the single sound antonym.

您将会看到一个清单的话具有相同的意义和底部,一个字一个相反的意思注明“反义词”。You will see a list of words with the same meaning and at the bottom, a word with an opposite meaning marked with "Antonym".

ETS过去还计划对GRE考试其它方面的内容作出一些重大修改,比如取消反义词和类推题以及加大阅读判断部分的内容等。ETS also was planning substantive changes such as eliminating antonym and analogy questions and emphasizing more critical reading.