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其研究方法主要有元胞机法和遗传算法。Its main methods include the celluar automata and genetic algorithm.

维纳回顾了自动控制机器进入人体解剖学的演变历史。Wiener reviewed the history of machine automata segueing into human anatomy.

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本文提出了基于时间自动机对进路控制流程进行建模。The method based on Timed Automata is proposed to model route-control process.

像鸟类这样的动物被看成是只能作出套路动作的自动机械。Animals like birds were viewed as lovely automata capable only of stereotyped activity.

第四章。介绍了基于时间自动机理论模型检验工具UPPAAL的使用方法。Chapter4. How to use the timed automata model checking tool -UPPAAL is introduced here.

夏比洛和班纳森从1999年开始合作设计分子自动机。EHUD SHAPIRO and YAAKOV BENENSON began collaborating to build molecular automata in 1999.

班纳森和夏比洛从1999年开始合作设计分子自动机。YAAKOV BENENSON and EHUD SHAPIRO began collaborating to build molecular automata in 1999.

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到目前为止,我们所研究的模糊或非模糊的自动机都是有限状态自动机。The automata of fuzzy or defuzzization what we study are all finite-state automata so far.

提出一种基于时间自动机的实时工作流时间建模与验证方法。Propese a real-time workflow time modeling and verification method based on timed automata.

研究了利用细胞自动机构造序列密码的方式,并对它们进行了安全性分析。Many methods to designed stream cipher based on cellular automata and their security have been studied.

一些人主张,自然界所有的活动都可以用在计算机上运行的细胞自动机来模拟。Some people claim that all of nature will be simulated eventually on computers using cellular automata.

PVS来对UML进行形式化的优势,并且给出了UML的状态图到PVS规范的转换模型与规则。A hierarchical automata model and algorithms are provided for transforming UML Statechart to PVS specification.

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第二章,介绍有限状态自动机、有限齐次马尔可夫链及随机系统的基础知识。In chapter two, the basic knowledges of finite state automata and finite homogeneous Markov chain are introduce.

本文详细叙述了格子气自动机和格子波尔兹曼方法的基本原理以及其在流体力学中的应用。Theory and application of Lattice Gas Automata and Lattice Boltzmann Method in fluid flied is discussed in detail.

提出二维沙堆崩塌模型,并用元胞自动机的方法对该模型进行计算机模拟。Proposed an two-dimensional sandpile avalanche model, and performed computer simulation by celluar automata method.

运用鸽洞理论以及终止属性来证明某些特殊无法用有限自动机解决的问题…Use pigeon- holing arguments and closure properties to prove particular problems cannot be solved by finite automata.

所以这个新的不完全增加结构算法较传统算法更可行和实用。We presented a new semi-incremental algorithm, which combines with properties of acyclic deterministic fuzzy automata.

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并配备了自动控制温度、风速、开关机及故障自检、空气净化等功能。Deployed machine of automata temperature, wind speed, switch and breakdown self check, air to purify wait for a function.

精打细算的贸易联盟从成本上简化了旗下巴克托伊德战斗机器人公司的战斗机器人生产。The budget-minded Trade Federation cut valuable corners in the production of their Baktoid Combat Automata battle droids.

我们设计出了一个擅长玩井字游戏的自动机来展示DNA逻辑闸的一些能力。We have demonstrated some of the abilities of our DNA gates by building automata that play perfect games of tic- tac -toe.