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她嘲笑他怯懦。She taunted him with cowardice.

那一个男人会爱他爱人的怯懦么?So could he love her cowardice?

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她因他胆小如鼠而鄙视他。She despised him for his cowardice.

勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。——塞内加。Courage to heaven, cowardice to hell.

“欺软”和“怕硬”经常是相伴而来的。Bullying and cowardice often go together.

所以胆小怕事是我生存的主要武器。So cowardice is my main weapon of survival.

恐惧和污秽怯懦与羞愧所覆盖。with fear and filth and cowardice and shame.

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他的女友讨厌他的懦弱。His girlfriend is disgusted at his cowardice.

良心和怯懦其实是一回事。Conscience and cowardice are really the same things.

他在敌人面前胆小如鼠,真是可鄙。His cowardice in face of the enemy was contemptible 7.

黄色后来衍生出与懦弱相关的意思。Later the meaning of yellow was connected with cowardice.

她谨防懦夫的暗箭,从挑衅中挖掘异议。She takes caution for cowardice and dissent for defiance.

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抱怨和推诿,其实是懦弱的自白。Complaints and buck-passing are the confession of cowardice.

从道德上来说,是类似于怯懦和虚伪的东西?And speaking morally, something like cowardice and falsehood?

一个军官作出如此胆怯的行为使整个团都蒙受羞辱。Such an act of cowardice by an officer shames his whole regiment.

父爱是壮行酒,懦弱时给予无穷胆量。Father is ZhuangHangJiu, cowardice when given an infinite courage.

我常跟人说,“制作”是对懦弱的最佳回馈方式。I often say to people that producing is the best paid form of cowardice.

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强力造就了第一批奴隶,而他们的怯懦将之延续。Force made the first slaves, and their cowardice perpetuated the condition.

为了不被别人嘲笑为胆小鬼,新兵们冲进了战场。The recruits rushed into battle so that no one could gibe at them for cowardice.

这个自我为中心相信懦弱是一种美德的“人”是不受欢迎的。This self-centered "man" who believes cowardice is a virtue would not be welcome.