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那个女巫丑得吓人。The witch was hideously ugly.

这个时间表现在看起来过分乐观了。That schedule now looks hideously overoptimistic.

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百鬼多狰狞,上帝总无言。Ghosts are hideously clamorous while God is silent.

总之就是,他被人陷害,并在这被残忍的折磨致死But, he was set up and he was hideously tortured here and he was killed.

其实同一时间为这么多的人提供食物非常困难。The reality is that feeding lots of people at the same time is hideously difficult.

但是访问google全线服务的速度却慢的令人发指,以至于你都想放弃使用google了。But access to Google services is hideously slow, to the point where you wouldn't want to use them.

因为离得很近,他的脸显得很大,从下面望上去,丑陋得怕人。His face looked enormous because of its nearness , and hideously ugly because it was seen from below.

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也许莫尼卡有发夹。-我确定莫尼卡一定有。-那,你暗恋雷切尔的事怎么样了?Maybe Monica has a bobby pin. -I'm sure. Monica. -So, how's the hideously inappropriate crush on Rachel coming?

该文中报道,蟑螂可以从面前飞过,摆动触须甚至可以将图像从很小一直放大到巨大。The paper reports that the roaches could skitter, wave their antenna, and even change size fromsmall and medium to hideously large.

一个年轻女性给情人写信,谈到友谊、信任和背叛,男护士在照料她那严重受损的残肢。A young woman writes a letter to a lover about friendship, trust, and betrayal, as a male nurse cares for her hideously mangled leg stumps.

如果在1972年没有签订伦敦倾废公约,现在的海洋将会是一个更满、更臭的垃圾桶。然而,如今大海依然受到了可怕的污染。The bin would be even fuller and fouler had the London dumping convention not been signed in 1972, but the sea is still hideously polluted.

最严重的情况出现在刚果民主共和国,1990年代始,这里便冲突不断,国家遭受严重破坏。Nowhere has this need been more hideously manifest than in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which has been wracked by conflict since the 1990s.

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今天我妈说你新买的遮瑕霜颜色太暗了显得你皮肤隐约发黄不均匀唉。老妈我还没化妆呢。FML。Today, my mom told me that my new concealer is way too dark and makes my skin look hideously orange and uneven. I wasn't wearing any makeup. FML.

当她死去后,她变成了一个可怕的扭曲契灵,不断找寻着重返她那些散落在全世界的神器之内的机会。When she died, she became a hideously twisted vestige, forever seeking to re-enter the Realms via numerous artifacts she dispersed across the world.

清楚的是,老虎往往被关在小型的兽栏之中,当安全措施较松时会有人丧命,而这些大型猫科动物被令人毛骨悚然地进行近亲繁殖,目的就是为了制造价值不菲的幼崽。What’s clear is that tigers are often kept in small pens, people die when safety is lax, and the cats are hideously inbred to produce valuable white cubs.

所有这些的根源是一个令人沮丧的破坏性幻想——爱国的美国人和那些质疑他的领导的美国人之间有条鸿沟。And at the root of it all is the hideously damaging fantasy that there is a gulf between Americans who love their country and those who question his leadership.

这些位于华蓥山蜡像馆的丑陋的“名人”雕塑受到中国公众的广泛嘲笑,人民日报网站报道。The set of hideously ugly 'celebrity' wax models at Huaying Mountain Wax Museum is garnering widespread ridicule from theChinese public, reported People's Daily Online.

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有一个人的脸特别的不对劲——就像一张极度老化的婴儿脸——玛德琳整整过了一分钟之后才意识到,原来他把眉毛剃没了。There was something creepy about one guy’s face––it was like a baby’s face that had hideously aged––and it took Madeleine a full minute to realize that he’d shaved off his eyebrows.

这个肮脏的人类有一张面目狰狞、疤痕累累脸。他在12个星系被判了死刑。在莫斯埃斯利小酒馆里,就是这个家伙试图挑衅年轻的卢克·天行者。A grubby human with a hideously scarred face and the death sentence on 12 systems, this particular character tried to pick a fight with young Luke Skywalker in the Mos Eisley Cantina.

此外,我们的公共教育体系毫无积极作用,反倒是在培养辍学的学生和半文盲方面功效卓绝,而我们甚至还没有打算改变这一现象。We still have a hideously dysfunctional public education system, one that has mastered the art of manufacturing dropouts and functional illiterates. We have not even begun to turn that around.